View Full Version : Tinnitus anyone?

17-12-06, 23:41
Hi everyone,

I've done a quick search on the site about Tinnitus but not found anything.

I've suffered with really bad Tinnitus for several months now and seen my GP on several occassions about it. Basically there is no cure as such. Mine came on during a particularly bad patch whist on AB's for a chest infection. They say AntiB's can course it but also stress is the biggest culprit. Does anyone else on here suffer with it and has anyone got any remedies that help? I've tried so many things now but nothing helps. I've even tried garlic and olive oil in the ear but other than making me smell like an French chef it did nothing for me. The GP found a bit of garlic in my ear on the last visit and began to think he'd found the cause :D

18-12-06, 03:16
OMG!!! yes I have had that for over 30 years.At first it drove me crazy thinking it was from blood pressure.I got a blood pressure cuff and checked it everytime..I went to the doctor one time and he said ...oh its just tinnitus... one of those things.. Over the years my brain has learned to tune it out but at the current i have pulsative tinnitus..which is alot worse..and knowing it will never go away.. makes me sad and anxious..I think that there about 3000 sites on the internet that deal with tinnitus.. and I think that i have been to most of them.. and really didn't like what I read about the pulsative tinnitus.. I wil see if I can find the links I went to for you and post them here.. http://www.sonarx.com/


If you need anymore let me know.. hope this helps


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

18-12-06, 22:48

Wow thanks for the info and the links, brilliant ! I'd looked out a few of my own recently and not come up with much but the ones you've linked seemed alot more comprehensive than mine. I'm gonna go a do some reading right now !

I know what you mean about the pulsative tinnitus, I really believe that alot of my problems have stemmed from worrying about it. One re-assurance is that my GP seems to think I have more chance of winning the lottery :D I have high blood pressure to but not enough to warrant BP medication for some reason. I'm forever left wondering if taking tablets to lower it would infact help the Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an awful thing to have cos there is no cure as such and it's always there, it never leaves me. Hopefully I will find some intereting stuff on your links to at least calm my anxiety.

Thank you for your time with replying.

Take care


18-12-06, 22:53
Ooops double posted....sorry !