View Full Version : Panic symptoms?

16-07-14, 08:34
Hey everyone. I've just had a very stressful, busy week at work and I noticed that I've been feeling kind of panicky as a result. I'm better now that the stress has passed, but it got me worried I could develop panic attacks on top of everything else. I dont get the symptoms, I just feel kind if panicky and anxious. Usually my deep breathing stops it. Anyway, my question was that is it likely I'll develop them after 6 months of GAD or if I haven't had one yet, is it unlikely? I used to be a lot worse than now and I never had one, but I want to know if it's something I should still be wary of. Thanks. Hope everyone is well :)

16-07-14, 13:34
Panic attacks are possible for everyone, I have some friends who don't have anxiety and they have had panic attacks.

I'd say, don't be worried about having panic attacks, be prepared. You said that your deep breathing seems to stop anything becoming escalated - that's awesome! And don't let panic attacks become another thing to cause you anxiety. If they are going to happen and you aren't able to control them sometimes, then that's fine. They will pass, even the worst ones (I've had some shockers).

Be kind to yourself about it all.

16-07-14, 13:54
Thank you Peronel :) I know my fear of it is what's making it worse-- I think because it's never happened to me is what scares me. But I appreciate a lot of people suffer from them and I must seem silly when they don't even happen to me! You're right though, better to feel prepared than afraid. What do you do to get through yours when they happen? Can you do anything to prevent them or make them stop quickly? A therapist once told me that if you're doing deep breathing before the attack hits, it's impossible for it to come on at all because you won't be hyperventilating. Do you think that's true? Sorry for all the questions-- I think someone who goes through them is a much better source of information than anyone else :)

16-07-14, 20:19
Lyn89, if you worry about panic attacks, you give them power. someone once said it best when they said, "feel the fear, and do it anyway." the deep breathing is great and has restored my calmness many times. remember that panic attacks aren't dangerous, they just seem that way. blessings!:)

16-07-14, 22:14
Thank you Deepthinker :) I went out tonight despite feeling bad and feel better now. I felt crappy but still didn't panic or have anything bad happen to me, so I'm trying to be more positive now. I need to trust myself more. It's useless to worry about something, especially if it's only a possible something! Even if it does happen, I can learn to deal with it like everything else :D thanks for all he advice everyone. I feel more confident and okay now.