View Full Version : Anxiety after purchasing things?

16-07-14, 13:58

Over the years I have become worst and worst at this - I get so called "buyers remorse" after buying "goods". Particularly electronics and clothing. - Is this anxiety or normal buyers remorse?

For example, I have researched heavily into buying an ipad and finally did it - but suddenly i feel depressed. I'm worried I wont use it, worried about the money, worried i wont use my laptop as much, worried there is something wrong with it, worried it doesn't 100% meet my needs - I just feel so guilty and depressed.

I normally end up taking things back for a refund but it's embarassing because everyone expects me to do it!

16-07-14, 14:50
You can over think anything if you want to,sometimes you just have to let it go,and think that you made the best decision you could,at that time,with the information you had then.
Then enjoy/make the best of whatever the outcome is.
Otherwise youre constantly looking backwards, and you can miss the good stuff that's heading your way. :)

16-07-14, 14:53
You can over think anything if you want to,sometimes you just have to let it go,and think that you made the best decision you could,at that time,with the information you had then.
Then enjoy/make the best of whatever the outcome is.
Otherwise youre constantly looking backwards, and you can miss the good stuff that's heading your way. :)

thanks that has really helped me

I suppose so what if 3 months down the line it is gathering dust - it shouldnt worry me to the point its affecting my life !! its a stupid computer and only £300!

16-07-14, 14:56
:) exactly!
Glad it helped.

16-07-14, 15:00
Yep, I keep receipts for everything just in case - including food shops :P I will shred them periodically after X amount of time or use unless they are over a certain value, then I keep them forever.... Very rarely take things back though, I dither too long and miss the "deadlines". Especially bad with shoes, and I have a couple of pairs I have not worn but kept them so long now it will be have to be an ebay job to recoup the cash. I research technology for months before deciding to buy it so pretty much always use it enough to get "value" on a cost-per-use basis.

So, my advice would be to remember that even if you change your mind later about the ipad, someone somewhere will happily give you some cash for it second hand, and you may as well get as much use out of it as you can now that you have it. :shrug: I often wondered what I would do with a tablet, but use it for reading, travelling, all sorts now. :)

16-07-14, 15:02
I tend to experience highs and lows of purchasing - at the time I am incredibly excited and thrilled to be buying whatever it may be, but then an hour later (after I made the purchase), I can feel stressed and doubtful about whether it was a waste of money etc.

I try to tell myself that I work hard and deserve to treat myself once in a while... It can be tough though :)