View Full Version : Had a Bad Day to Day!

16-07-14, 20:58
Hi All,
I don't know what's happened to me today, but Anxiety Symptoms are on full Alert and I had a Panic Attack today. Wasn't doing anything anxious and I tried all the normal stuff I tell other people to do; like the breathing and Mind controlling, but I am really, really Anxious. Symptoms flooding through like I have gone back 3 months. I tried to face the Panic Attack and it got worse, didn't tell anyone I was having one, until my Mum mentioned that I had gone very pale. (As soon as someone says that you hyperventilate even more). I feel uptight, stressed, irritable, fed-up and don't know why I can't fight this one. My Partner is fed-up with me and doesn't understand what I am feeling. We have just booked a Holiday and now I am panicking that I won't be able to go. I'm really fed-up!

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 20:56 ----------

Just noticed I can't even spell the title right. My Panic affects me in a literate way, as you can see.

16-07-14, 21:38
Oh no! Sorry you're feeling like this today, sometimes we just have bad days and anxiety comes back in full force. Think of it as a blip and you'll be back to your fighting self soon. Sometimes I get days where I'm completely tense and worry I'm going right back to the start again, but with a bit of relaxation, distracting yourself and don't think it too much, it will be over soon.
Hormones for me are bad, I'll be doing fine and then the next day I'll flip out and can barely leave the house without panicking and everything just feels so hard. Then I look at the calendar and think ohhhhhh, I see.
Don't worry too much about it, now you have all the tools and knowledge and support to get over this blip and be stronger than before! It's a very very bumpy road along to recovery, but don't give in to it :D

16-07-14, 21:39
Awww Carnation,
Sorry to hear this.
Sometimes it seems that our inner self has its own tides and seasons,and we just can't figure out its reasoning,so don't wear yourself out even more than you are,trying to figure it out.
You made it through,that's the thing.
I can't remember if you're on any meds to help?
When you booked your holiday you must have been feeling a bit better, you can get back to that place again,I'm sure.
Even if it doesn't feel much like it now,you may feel a lot better once you get some sleep.
Having an attack like that is horrible,I remember once I had to pull the car over whilst I had one.But they only have so much energy,and then they leave you.
Is there anything you think may have contributed to the anxiety?
Just be easy on yourself,and keep your blood sugars up and keep hydrated.
Hope you're feeling much better soon
Take care :hugs:

16-07-14, 22:06
Thankyou Kimberley2 and AprilMoon. I can't stop crying. I have had a difficult week; won't bore you with all the details, and it's Hot, and I'm tired and I've just booked a Holiday with a third attempt of trying to go away and face that dreaded Motorway. Anxiety keeps throwing new symptoms at me and I won't give in to it, but it gets really hard sometimes. I feel pathetic today; like a small child and I'm not. I'm an adult and I'm crying like a baby. Seeing Therapist on Friday, she might help a bit. And No, I am not on Meds, have a big phobia about them. But, I do eat well and do other good stuff. It really helps to know someone else is going through and feeling the same as me, because sometimes you think you are going Mad! (Was always a little crazy to begin with).:unsure:

16-07-14, 22:14
I am sorry you have had such a bad day. Adults can cry too you know and it is good to get a release of the emotions so cry if you need to.
Hopefully you will get help from the therapist. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

16-07-14, 22:26
Hi I have had the exact same type of day.. Found Controlling my breathing harder today.. even after panic aattacks was still having trouble with breathing. Also been feeling very dizzy is this normal? Felt dizzy last few days now x so glad iv found some were were people are feeling the same.. I really hope your feeling ok now xxx

16-07-14, 22:28
Had a terrible day too, but got though it and feel better :) you can too. It always passes, stay strong <3 we all have really bad days, but it doesn't mean you will stop having good ones

16-07-14, 22:34
Always scared going to faint uno with how dizzy I get and can't get breath x just want to get better for my 2 baby girls x going out even makes me nervous now x try not to think about it and get on with it but dizziness always seems to be there x

16-07-14, 22:37
Had a terrible day too, but got though it and feel better :) you can too. It always passes, stay strong <3 we all have really bad days, but it doesn't mean you will stop having good ones

Great attitude Lyn, you had a bad day but you stayed positive. I am sure all of us can find some positives even on a really bad day and it is the positives we need to focus on.

16-07-14, 22:48
I had a bad and tearful day yesterday with panic and anxiety, but have been fine today. The hot Nd humid weather does not help our symptoms either, let us hope tomorrow will be good for all.

16-07-14, 22:53
Proud Mummy, the dizziness comes from the shallow breathing we do when we are nervous and anxious. Had this a lot, but since doing breathing exercises, it has gone.

Thank you Annie, I always feel better after a good cry.:weep:

Lyn89, you are probably right, I felt everything mounting up this week.

16-07-14, 23:06
Ah thanks for getting back to me means alot x some days feel dizzy but breathing normal..is this just because of anxiety x

16-07-14, 23:07
I cried tonight as well! Was feeling really down about everything being so difficult to plan around my crazy rules. I feel so guilty about everyone saying how much of a stress I am to them but I just can't do normal things just yet. And it then reminds me that I'm not really normal, just better than I was but it's still not good enough. But I am me and at least I am happy most of the time now and I can go out and do more than I could and for now that is enough for me. Baby steps and we will get there!

16-07-14, 23:15
Oh Kimberley, what is happening to us? It must be something in the air? Is there a full moon, because I know that can make the Anxieties worse.
I think we have to remember the 'baby step' theory, maybe we are trying too much too soon when it has taken probably years to get in to this state?
Do you feel better after a good cry? I always do, so maybe it is het-up emotions.

16-07-14, 23:28
Yes it's been years coming on and I've only started fighting it since December, so got a long way to go probably! A good cry is exactly what you need sometimes to just let everything go, built up emotions are just bad for you! When I was doing architecture at uni I'd get to a point where I just couldn't take any more and collapsed into tears. Always felt much better after that!
I'm also away on holiday on Sunday - first ever trip away with my boyfriend. Excited at the moment :D and flying home alone afterwards as he is coming back later. Funny how I can fly alone, but not drive in the dark alone!! Anxiety makes no sense!!

16-07-14, 23:42
You kept that quiet Kimberley. (About your Hols). Really pleased you are getting away for a break. You deserve it. :shades:

ProudMummy, when you feel nervous and anxious, it causes the dizziness and a feeling of being light-headed. Try to relax your shoulders when you are walking, because this doesn't help and we automatically hunch them up when we feel nervous.
A lot of sufferers get this symptom and breathing exercises help to improve this.

16-07-14, 23:52
Ah thanks yeah there my main symptoms dizzy and also trying to take deep breaths alot �� thanks for getting back again it's nice to have someone who knows how it feels x

17-07-14, 12:28
Short notice holiday :D not worrying too too much yet, apart from the eating but got a few busy days so haven't thought about it much. That's a good thing as I'm not obsessing!!
Proud mummy- I also get dizzy when I panic, and also at random points as well. Sometimes I feel I'm going to fall over it's spinning so much! Especially when I get up too fast and blood rushes to your head haha! It's annoying but I've found too if you do long calming out breathes that gets rid of it. So like breath in for 4 and out for 8. I do that in a panic attack to get rid of the pounding heart and dizzy feeling.