View Full Version : Blood Shot Eyes and an update with me..

18-12-06, 04:27
Hey guys.. I posted a few times last week about my symtoms of light headedness and off balance and feeling just plain wierd.. I still have these symtoms and am in the process of tryin to defeat this.. It's no longer constant (24/7) but is now 3/4 of the day mostly coming and going and once in while a bad hour or so where it is hard to stand.. But it sure is nice to feel 'normal' again at times even tho it may be short lived..

Anyway my question for you all now is about blood shot eyes.. I can't get rid of this.. At first i thought it was from not enough sleep so this weekend i slepted! 10 hours friday and saturday :P I woke up and walked to the mirrow opened my eyes and boom.. Bloodshot! Is this common with anxiety and stress? In the past a good night sleep would clear this up but now i can't get rid of this..

Feel free to give me some tips on both the bloodshot eyes and the lightheadedness which i am working on at the moment.. thanks guys and gals this site has been helping me a lot.. take care and god bless :)

18-12-06, 12:50
hey there

to answer your question, yes it is very common, no matter how much you sleep. its because you are stressed out that pressure is being put on your head, and you know the old saying the eyes are the windows to the soul,

as for th e dizziness that too is very very common, thought its worth checking with your doc to rule out vertigo, as this can be common too.

but my money is on Anx,

try standing up slower, and control your breathing, slow deep breaths, in 2,3 out 2,3

i was like that last night , though i thought the worst, its sucks but is totally harmless.

hope i could be of help in some small way

if you ever need to chat just Pm or msn me

Steve aka the wolf

19-12-06, 01:47
Seems be at its worst when i am overwhelmed ie; when works piling up or when i'm forced to rush back and forth, when i'm calm its almost never there.. i wish i could make myself belive its just stress/anxiety but in the back of my mind i think its something serious.. I want more tests done..

Thanks for the reply [^]

19-12-06, 03:00
hey again buddy
you dont need more tests done as you have just answered your own question

quote " Seems be at its worst when i am overwhelmed ie; when works piling up or when i'm forced to rush back and forth, when i'm calm its almost never there."

can you now see that only when faced with a stressful task that this happens- which brings he anx into play

i get it all the time as do many others on here

come to the chat room,

i think a live chat may help ease your mind


aka the wolf

keep smiling buddy and the sun will shine brighter and warmer

19-12-06, 03:07
Thanks again bud, i just hope your right.. I wish i could belive it myself... I'll be in chat.. thanks

19-12-06, 03:24
Hi Joe,

Sometimes for some reason if I sleep too much my eyes get bloodshot. I don't know the reason for it but maybe that can contribute and also the anxiety. Possibly some eyedrops might help with it. I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better. Good luck.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

19-12-06, 03:30
Thanks bel, at least its not a constant dizziness anymore.. Comes and goes but non the less it"s still scaring the heck out of me but like i said it seems to be at its worst when i"m overwhelmed or in a bit of a panic so that must mean something? It's when i feel calm and still feel it that makes me panic 100 times more..

Thanks again for the reply :)

21-12-06, 09:00
This has been everyday with me for months..red eyes ,eyes that looked as if you are from mars and everything you mentioned..Somedays they look almost normal and i know that im sleeping enough now..so I would dare say yes its from anxiety.. hope this helps..


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

21-12-06, 09:05
Just thought that I would add this tidbit..I get dizzy all the time too..its from the light playing tricks on my eyes..anxiety makes the nerves in the eyes more acute .. ready for fight or flight.. so therefore you get dizzy from the light playing tricks on your eyes..also .. something i found out.. is and don't know if this applies to you but I sleep sometime with the cover over my head because its cold ..i think that causes redeyes from irratation of fabric and also I sleep sometimes with my eyes open..its something heredatary and we have air blowing in the room so it blows in my eyes.. so could be any of that but the anxiety causing the nerves in the eyes i think is the biggest problems for you ..


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.