View Full Version : Scared of mold in my new home

17-07-14, 01:53
Hey guys - I'm back again. Update from my previous pinworm thread - no more itching!! All seems well on that front

Unfortunately that means I've moved onto something else...

I moved into my townhome about 3 weeks ago. It's relatively new - maybe 10 years old? I'm renting it. Anyways I noticed a musty smell in my master bedroom closet, especially if I shut the door. This closet has access to the attic/crawl space in the ceiling and I'm assuming the smell is coming down from there. I'm so afraid there is mold up there. Unfortunately my lease states they will not cover any damages from mold and I would have to pay for any remediation by myself.

Yesterday I developed some tightness in my chest and a cough. I have convinced myself this is from mold and that it's all throughout my house and I'm scared I will have to move. I love my place!!! I'm really hoping I just have a cold starting.

Anyone have any experience with aomething like this? I'm having maintenance come take a look at the attic area tomorrow and for good measure I'm going to have my dad look as well. Is it possible this is just stale attic air causing the smell??? I hope so :/

17-07-14, 02:08
Well, when I did have a mold issue in my apartment I couldn't smell it at all if that helps.

17-07-14, 07:34
I think I would leave the door open a bit to air it out and give it a good clean out then put some air greshner or lavender sachets in and see if that works.

17-07-14, 08:42
wash the walls with warm water some wash liquid and a shot of bleech, but if Its mould you will be able to see it not just smell it could be lack of ventilation so like previous post get the doors and windows open as well.