View Full Version : Constant heart worries

17-07-14, 09:53

Since having HA I have developed an awareness of my heart that interferes with daily life. I worry about exercising and am constantly checking my pulse. I have had a few bad bouts of palpitations where I have had 24 hour holsters and various ECGs done. I had my last 24 hour holster about a year ago- they have always come back normal.

In the past month or so I have noticed two things which are worrying me a little. 1- I keep getting these ectopic beats, around 3 a week where a feel a flutter and then a jolt/thud in my chest. I had an ecg done a few weeks ago which was normal (only a 30 second one).

2- I've noticed when taking my pulse in the shower, my heart races to around 160bpm. Is this normal? I'm not becoming scared of having a shower and am having very luke warm showers incase the hot water is making my heart race!

There is no family history of anything heart related in my family. Oh, and in 25 years old.

Is there was a problem would it have shown on my ECGs? Have any of you experienced these things before? Thanks!

Mrs Panda
17-07-14, 16:53
Hi Hannah, same thing with me. I have had the same heart concerns as you for about the past 8 years. In that time I have had just about every heart test done, sometimes twice even just to make sure they didn't miss something the first time. Spent a lot of money and time worrying about this, but it all seems to be anxiety related. I too avoid hot showers, baths, heated rooms etc because the heat increases heart rate and I don't like the feeling. I avoid strenuous exercise for the same reason. Also, if you think about it rationally (which I know can be almost impossible when anxiety takes over), movement in the shower plus the heat will increase your heart rate. I think that we are just very hypersensitive and are too aware of everything that goes on in our bodies. I seem to check my pulse frequently because I feel like I can't trust my heart to just beat normally, even though all my tests have come back with great results. So, it's the damn anxiety that does it!! :( The other day I read the article about palpitations under the Health Worries section on the left of this page. It helped to ease my mind.....for a while at least (haha). Apparently, it is very common for people with anxiety to worry about their heart. It says that in just about every book I have read about anxiety. I hope this puts your mind at ease :) Take care.

17-07-14, 22:05
Thanks so much for your response! Ive just joined this site and it's so nice to finally talk to people with the same thought patterns. It can be really hard for family an friends when they don't understand and both sides get frustrated. Logically I know my heart must be fine, but as we know when the anxiety kicks in all logic goes out of the window! You've really reassured me though, thank you :).

Mrs Panda
18-07-14, 05:41
I know what you mean about logic going out the window!!! This site is great for reassurance and just acceptance. I joined about 2 weeks ago and found it has really helped me during the tough times. All the best to you Hannah :)

20-07-14, 10:05
Mrs panda, do you get eptopics daily, with a thud? i am feeling them almost daily now and that worries me. I told the doctor and she explained they are normal and did a quick ecg.

Mrs Panda
20-07-14, 13:29
Yes, several times daily. They seem to be more frequent on days when I feel more anxious.

21-07-14, 16:07
Do you have the jolts when you fall asleep too? Like at the moment of falling sleep, heart pounds and it awakes you via jolting your body? I think those are the worst.

I think its all mental.

For instance, I was reading symptoms of cancers and diseases and i had anxiety attack one day because every little thing with my body freaked me out. I ended up having urination issues, ball pain, and lower back pain. So I went to the urologist and they sent me in for the cat scan. I returned for my results a week later. She told me i was fine. Moments later everything symptom i had went away. No back pains. No urination. No ball pain. All of it left my body and hasnt occured since.

Too bad with our hearts you and me both buddy we have a harder time accepting we're okay.

25-07-14, 18:44

Since having HA I have developed an awareness of my heart that interferes with daily life. I worry about exercising and am constantly checking my pulse. I have had a few bad bouts of palpitations where I have had 24 hour holsters and various ECGs done. I had my last 24 hour holster about a year ago- they have always come back normal.

In the past month or so I have noticed two things which are worrying me a little. 1- I keep getting these ectopic beats, around 3 a week where a feel a flutter and then a jolt/thud in my chest. I had an ecg done a few weeks ago which was normal (only a 30 second one).

2- I've noticed when taking my pulse in the shower, my heart races to around 160bpm. Is this normal? I'm not becoming scared of having a shower and am having very luke warm showers incase the hot water is making my heart race!

There is no family history of anything heart related in my family. Oh, and in 25 years old.

Is there was a problem would it have shown on my ECGs? Have any of you experienced these things before? Thanks!

Hi there.
I know exactly how you feel I have been suffering from palpitations for many years especially bad this last year, I have had all the tests ecg, 24hr monitor, bloods etc all they found was (I can't remember the exact name) was what you have the flutter then the thud which apparently is a very common condition. I was told my symptoms are anxiety related and I have nothing to worry about. I was reasured for a while but when I got anxious I worried and thought I had something wrong with me again.

Are you on any medication as I think many of the drugs for depression and anxiety actually cause palpitations or heart irregularities.

Don't be afraid of excercise it can actually help alot, I agree about hot water and showers etc.

Something little that has helped me is I used to sit and clutch my chest, folding my arms holding my heart etc for most of the evening, ive manged to stop myself doing that also not lying in bed with my hand under my chest.
One thing I read too, which again sounds really simple but is so true is try and ignore the symptoms I know it is hard but it really is good advice, as if you worry about it, it feeds the negative thoughts and causes more worry.

All the best.