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View Full Version : Brain tumor or Sinus infection?? Help me!!!! Freaking out

17-07-14, 10:52
Hi everyone, for the last week or so, I have had a consistent headache that won't go away. Along with the headache, I've had mucus or post nasal drip in the back of my throat. The headache started in the back of my head and now it's all over. I am currently feeling sharp pains throughout my head and it's freaking me out. I have severe health anxiety so I might be over reacting but I'm really worried that it might be a brain tumor. The mucus in my throat leads me to think it could be sinus related, but if so, why isn't my headache going away? I went to the doctor and she said to keep an eye on it rand that she believes it might be sinus related but I'm having my doubts. I googled symptoms of brain tumors which freaked me out even more. It has gotten to the point where I'm. Sitting on the floor crying because I'm so worried I have a brain tumor. I just want to figure out if it has to so with my sinuses and why my headache won't go away :( anyways, any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated! Help ASAP!

18-07-14, 05:30
Hi there! I'm not sure how much it'll help, but one of the sticky's in the Health Anxiety section on this forum helped calm my nerves about my recent fears of brain tumors. I would link it to you but I don't have a post count of ten yet, but you could check it out yourself under the thread titled "Dr. Google will see you now."

Based on what you've said on here, the fact that you've had stuff dripping out of your nose along with your headaches would make me believe that you're having some kind of sinus infection. Despite the fact that you're doubting your doctor (which is okay, because I do it too), you should note that these doctors have a plethora of medical experience after years of education, training, and experience with other patients. The doctor I recently spoke to told me that if I had a tumor, then she'd send me to the hospital immediately. Hopefully that helps a bit, :)

18-07-14, 14:25
If it helps, I have headaches like that a lot. For me, it is a combination of tension and sinus. And then once I get anxious about it, I tense up, which in turn makes it worse. It's a tough cycle and I'm guessing you are in that cycle right now.

I also am afraid of a brain tumor at the moment. I had a best friend whose dad died of one, so it really freaks me out. But for them, they found out because he was passing out and losing consciousness, among other things (I don't know the whole story). They basically knew right away when he went in what it was. So if your doctor has said sinus, I know it's hard, but you've got to believe her.

18-07-14, 19:21
Pretty sure it's sinus related considering your information. Tense back and shoulder muscles can contribute to the pain as well. Brain tumors are very rare, and I believe they manifest in seizures before headaches.

18-07-14, 23:24
But for them, they found out because he was passing out and losing consciousness, among other things (I don't know the whole story). They basically knew right away when he went in what it was. So if your doctor has said sinus, I know it's hard, but you've got to believe her.

I wanted to add onto this a little bit. There was somewhere I read that stated if you had a brain tumor, you would KNOW if you had a brain tumor. If you think you have one, you probably don't. Despite this, I still worry about the whole thing from time to time, but hopefully it'll help you out!

Tense back and shoulder muscles can contribute to the pain as well. Brain tumors are very rare, and I believe they manifest in seizures before headaches.

I have to agree with NotCool here. Tense back and shoulder muscles can cause your headaches. The doctor a while ago told me that's what was causing mine. These headaches from your muscles, believe it or not, can be one sided too. And yes, brain tumors are VERY rare. Another thing I heard about brain tumor headaches is that you'd typically have them at night when laying down and you'd wake up in pain quite often.

18-07-14, 23:28
"Brain tumor or Sinus infection??"

Based on history and available information, I would bet my bottom dollar on sinus infection/issues.

Positive thoughts

18-07-14, 23:29
Hi dachshund girl,

I had a constant headache, all day, every day for six straight months, with dizziness, like a vice was on my head. I was convinced there was something awful wrong with me and it felt like i was totally trapped. I have really bad health anxiety and everyone was telling me it was anxiety- i felt like screaming to them BUT I DONT FEEL ANXIOUS, AND THIS IS SO REAL!!
Once I stopped fearing the worst, the headache gradually began to disappear and now it's completely gone. I was trapped in a world of utter fear for those whole 6 months, it was horrible, but it turned out to be absolutely nothing.

18-07-14, 23:45
Hi dachshund girl,

I had a constant headache, all day, every day for six straight months, with dizziness, like a vice was on my head. I was convinced there was something awful wrong with me and it felt like i was totally trapped. I have really bad health anxiety and everyone was telling me it was anxiety- i felt like screaming to them BUT I DONT FEEL ANXIOUS, AND THIS IS SO REAL!!
Once I stopped fearing the worst, the headache gradually began to disappear and now it's completely gone. I was trapped in a world of utter fear for those whole 6 months, it was horrible, but it turned out to be absolutely nothing.

You would be absolutely surprised how true that is. Once you feel and accept that you don't have a life threatening illness/disease, it feels like your symptoms get far less intense or just magically go away. It's amazing on what the mind can do sometimes.

19-07-14, 02:22
It could be sinus related, but it also sounds like it could be a tension headache. They can be kind of scary - I had one once and was terrified because I've only ever had migraines (always in the same spot) so any other headache scares me - but are harmless. They could be caused by sinus problems, or even lack of sleep or a bad sleeping position, or stress - the list literally goes on and on.

Try to take some painkillers, get in a comfy position, and take a good long nap. Put a little faith in your doc and the fact that everything is okay (sometimes easier said than done, I know) and relax...and it should go right away.