View Full Version : Feel like I'm on the edge of a panic attack

17-07-14, 13:00
haven't had one in years but all the familiar signs are here, numb lips, palms sweating, shaking, feeling of dread. :(

I am so pathetic. All I keep thinking about is choking. This is all because of the endoscopy I have booked for tomorrow. I am a mess.

17-07-14, 13:26
Hey, so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. Please, please, please remember that you ARE NOT pathetic in any way... Anxiety and panic can take over the strongest of people at the drop of a hat, so you are in no way to blame for what you are going through.

Remember, you beat this once and you can do it again - try to go through the same coping and recovery techniques you did before. If your symptoms persist then make sure you go back and visit your doctor for some help.

I hope you feel better soon - we're all here to support you, any time :)

17-07-14, 13:35
thank you. The last time I was able to say I am fine, it is just anxiety etc., but this time I can't say that because I don't know. I won't know until I get the results of the test, so I am completely at a loss as what to do. :(