View Full Version : doctor wont listen

18-12-06, 09:12
i tried getting an appointment with my usual doctor this morning but shes on holiday for a few days and the only one available was for the other one and i feel he doesnt listen to me properly when i go in with anything.

should i go in this morning and put my foot down if he dismisses my fears and make him listen to me or should i just accept his diagnosis and carry on worrying :(

it was him that told me the pains im feeling is acid, but it doesnt feel one bit like acid to me and the pain is there constantly. the tablets he gave me are making no difference whatsoever so i think hes got it wrong!!

18-12-06, 09:26
If you don't feel listened to, then make an appointment with your regular doctor whenever she's back. You have a right to be heard.


18-12-06, 12:27
Hi Worry. I fully understand how you are feeling and it really doesn’t help one little bit when Doctors seem to ignore us. Has the doctor sent you for any tests? I bet he hasn’t even examined you, they wont even get off there chair half of them. Its properly anxiety related I suffered so bad with tummy pains etc and in the end I asked to be referred to a specialist who then ordered a series of tests (Blood test, chest x-ray. barium enema and a sygmoidoscopy all these tests took a while to complete and I was diagnosed with IBS at the end of it all. But it was worth doing as it puts your mind at rest. If they won’t listen to you tell them you want to be referred to see a gastro, Take care. Vernon

18-12-06, 14:10
hiya, thanks for the replies :)

i visited the doc this morning and he had to listen to me as i burst into tears and told him everything on my mind. to be fair to this doctor though i dont think he realised how bad its been affecting me as i tend to open up more to the woman dr than him.

he has given me some citalopram to take and said we could try cognitive therapy after christmas so i need to look into what that is to see if i think it might be helpful to me.

i'll try anything !!! xxx

p.s im glad you sorted your stomach pains out vernon, and no he hasnt done any tests, just felt round my stomach a bit.