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17-07-14, 14:54
[COLOR="red"]hello im aaron my gp diagnosed me with in his words was the worst case anxiety, panic and health dissorder. In the past 4 months ive been to A&E 14 times and the doctors 22. Im looking for adivce and id like to hear how others are coping with there health anxiety. i will post the book of symptoms and how i came about it later. [COLOR="Red"]:welcome:

17-07-14, 14:59
Hi Aaron - sorry to hear that you're having a really rough time of it, but welcome to the forum. This is a great place, full of nice people who can definitely empathise with your situation.

Hope you can find some help and comfort here :)

17-07-14, 15:46
symptoms i experience:
ectopic beats/ palpitations
cold body and cold sweat
head, chest and throat tightness
achy muscles and joins
chest tightness
panic attacks
blurred vision amonght others
ive had numerous ecgs chest xrays and blood tests come out as normal my anxiety revolves around my heart after taking one dose of clembuterol were i developed a tachycardia . All issues are resolved however seems to be i cannot accept it subconsciously. Upon my last visit to the hospital my ecg was abnormal T waves and they released me saying all ok to be omitted later same day further ecg stating was normal and the doctor stating it was fine ive never had any abnormal ecgs like doctor earlier that day had said and ever asked me to compare size of the lines between each ecg. (this doesn't help with anxiety)

Numerous ecgs and doctors observations xrays and bloods should rule out small percentage of any mishaps why cant i accept?

17-07-14, 15:47

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17-07-14, 20:14
Welcome! I'm new too, but people are so kind here. I have already had some really good support and advice.

17-07-14, 21:05
Appreciated for the welcome and information hope i can get rid of this