View Full Version : Hi, I'm a newbie.

17-07-14, 16:43
To Introduce Myself......
Hi, my name is Jayne and i am 18 years old. I have joined this forum as i find it hard to ask for help and speaking to people. I found this website and thought it would help me to type out how im feeling instead of keeping it all inside, also its a good way to talk to people who are understanding and aren't judgmental.
I don't want to bore any of you with my long story so ill just fill you briefly in on some of the reasons why i am on this forum.
I have Depression and Social Anxiety Disorder. I have struggled with these for at least 10 years, however i was only diagnosed at the start of last year.
I have received CBT therapy and several different counselling and after 6 months of CBT and many years of counselling, i felt it wasnt working at all. I didnt feel any better. i dont know why.
Ive been on medication for nearly a year now, at first it was a low dose of 20mg then they increased it to 40mg, which ive been on for about 4 months now. I felt it worked at first but now i feel really down again.
I dont know what is wrong and i dont know what to do?
Has anyone got any ideas on why none of my treatment is working? HELP!!!

17-07-14, 20:01
Oh, that sounds really tough. You have been suffering such a long time. Sometimes the medication, or the dosage, just isn't right, and you have to try other things.

Exercise and mindfulness meditation have really helped me, alongside anti-depressants.

Have you spoken to your GP? Perhaps you could ask for a referral to a psychiatrist, as they have a much more in-depth knowledge of all the drugs available.

17-07-14, 21:22
:welcome: so sorry for what you're going through, breatheme19. i agree with applecore. the AD you are currently on probably isn't the best one for you. people often have to try a few before finding the right one. hang in there. you will get better! you are not alone and i and others on this site are here to help you along the way. :hugs:

17-07-14, 22:37
Hi :welcome: it's hard with depression I know hun but that's hope this site offers u support u need and feel free to pm if u wish hun. I am female 34. I have had depression for 11 years after I had my child

Mrs Panda
18-07-14, 13:35
Hi and welcome :) yes it's true what the others say, sometimes you have to try different things until you find something that works for you. This site is a great comfort. I'm sure you may be able to get lots of ideas from the people on here :)

23-07-14, 09:55
Sometimes the pychs get it wrong also.