View Full Version : Sedation when having medical/dental procedures

17-07-14, 17:39
Health Anxiety sufferers, in your experience is a sedative (conscious /twilight sedation rather than general anaesthetic) preferable to going it alone? I am interested in whether sedation makes it easier to lose control and panic or whether sedation makes panic less likely?

---------- Post added at 17:39 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

17-07-14, 17:46
I had sedation for a procedure about a year ago and it was nothing to it! It was the twilight, I remember nothing and woke up a little drowsy but that was it. I ate right after and took a nap and was fine!

I also had dental work while away, had my wisdom tooth pooled, while it was ok, I could feel myself getting anxious during it.

Propofol is what I believe was used on me. Was very relaxing and not scary at all.

17-07-14, 17:50
What procedure was it? If you don't mind me asking? (sorry if that's totally nosy! And feel free to say "No comment" lol)

17-07-14, 18:13
I've only had sedation when the pain would have been too great to endure without, but my mum (who reeeeeally hates the dentist) has had several 'conscious anaesthetics' over the years, which has really helped her get through it. Also, make sure you talk to the dentist beforehand and explain your concerns and any fears you have - they are very used to this and most will be really helpful and comforting towards you.

Good luck - hope you get on ok :)

17-07-14, 18:25
No problem at all! I had a colonscopy (part of my health anxiety and fear I had some kind of colon cancer) and an endoscopy (fear of stomach cancer).

And I meant to say I had my wisdom tooth pulled while AWAKE, not away LOL. I had 3 of them done that way. Most people think I am nuts. But It also costs more here in the States for sedation for dental work.

17-07-14, 18:34
I have to have an Endoscopy tomorrow and to say I am petrified is a mahooosive under statement :(

17-07-14, 18:35
I don't have anxiety concerning the dentist but no one like to feel pain so I'm just sure I can't feel anything. I had 4 wisdom teeth removed as well as two extractions prior to cancer treatment fully awake. Other than dribbling trying to drink it was no problem ;) They gave me pain meds for later after the drugs wore off.

Positive thoughts

PS... Some of the funniest videos on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgB2ziyAteI) are people coming out of sedation at the dentist ~lol~ When I had stents put in, they knocked me out with some pretty good stuff. I don't remember much but my wife (then fiance) said I was grabbing her butt in the recovery room and saying "my tushy" over and over ~lol~

17-07-14, 18:37
NO way! Don't be worried, Its a breeze, I mean really, there is NOTHING to it. I was so scared and shaking in my boots. Its really not a biggie at all. I woke up slowly, they let you lay there and for a moment and gather yourself. Give you your results right then and there. You then get up, get dressed and leave. It truly is super easy and I was scared for nothing.

This is the 2nd time I was under. I had a colonscopy about 8 years ago as well.

---------- Post added at 17:37 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

PS you do not feel out of it for long either, you wake up slowly like you had a nice deep sleep.

17-07-14, 18:56
Oh blimey, Dani! I hope I'm the same! Really so scared. My hands and lips have gone numb and I'm shaking x

17-07-14, 19:07
Oh blimey, Dani! I hope I'm the same! Really so scared. My hands and lips have gone numb and I'm shaking x

Clairypoo... the worst part is your anticipation believe me. Once the stuff kicks in you won't feel anything. You'll be just fine :) Just have someone with you to drive because you won't be able to. I'm having a colonoscopy in a few weeks and I'm not concerned. The doc said I'll be getting the "good stuff". I'm more concerned with the crap I have to drink to clean me out. Good thing there's an outlet in the bathroom because that's were I'll be spending a lot of time the night before ~lol~

Positive thoughts

17-07-14, 19:44
I was the same way ClairyPoo, I was SOOOOOO scared. Petrified and almost backed out of having it done at all. Afterwards, I was kicking my own tail for being so worried for nothing! You will be nervous until you wake up and realize there was NOTHING to it!

Agree Fishmanpa, the prep work is WAY worse then the actual procedure. The procedure is a breeze, the day before is the hardest part LOL

17-07-14, 20:43
FMP Ha ha! 'My tushy'! HA! Thanks for the advice. I had a sigmoidoscopy with no sedation at all, but I am terrorised thinking about the Endoscopy. I feel so sick.

My GP was quite sweet today, I called him because I was scared and he talked to me for 20 minutes and eventually offered to do a barium swallow instead of the endo but urged me to have this scope as it is more accurate. He said a lot of my fears came from how I was treated when I had my stomach pumped when I was 17. He worked in A&E's then and said that the policy of being rough with OD patients had caused a lot of damage to them in later life. I'm glad they don't do that any more.

I am simply terrified of the procedure. This is the worst I have felt in years. Terrified of the procedure and terrified of the results. I am catastrophising again and this time the OCD is getting out of hand. I say things like 'if that cd rips ok without stopping, I'll be okay tomorrow.' then the cd doesn't rip so I am even more freaked out. Like it's a SIGN. Then I remember I heard that 3 people this week in my family have cancer, now my mum's dog might have it too. and things come in threes, so I am in trouble. I can barely breathe for panic and I really don't think I can do this. :(

---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:40 ----------

Dani, thanks. I am so scared if the results too. For ages my mind has been telling me things and I have been ignoring it and I'm scared I have bought this upon myself by drinking too much wine on Valentine's Day. :( I feel like I am hanging on to myself by a thread. X

17-07-14, 20:46
What are your symptoms?

17-07-14, 20:53
I have pain between my shoulder blades (more on the right side), burning in my middle, between my ribs, more on my left side, burping - a lot, pain under my right ribs and side and fluffy oatmeal-like tan-coloured poo. (sorry - tmi) xxxx

---------- Post added at 20:53 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

I have had this since February, but the rib thing from November last year. X

17-07-14, 20:59
It's really in your best interest to have the procedure done. This way, if there are issues, they can be treated properly.

A few years ago, my wife (then gf) was having some stomach issues. They did that and found some issues that needed to be addressed. Nothing serious but it needed treatment. She was put on the proper meds and within a month was totally fine. She's been on a low dose PPI since and hasn't had any issues. What you're describing sounds similar. I said it in your other post....

Buck up... get it done and be done with it one way or the other. Besides... the drugs really are good! ;) I'm an old hippy so I don't mind the "good stuff" at all ~lol~

Positive thoughts

17-07-14, 21:02
Thanks FMP. I'd have made a hopeless hippy. I'd have been a total buzz kill! I hate taking meds of any kind! Xxxx

I wish I could buy some courage.

17-07-14, 21:05
LOL Fisherman :)

And I had the same thing but I also had pain... Ended up my tummy was inflammed, they also put me on a PPI and know I am good! No more issues. They may also tell you to not take ibuprofen any longer as that can make it worse. Sounds very much like acid reflux! Your doc wants you to have it so they can treat it if that is the problem. Too much acid can damage the esophagus so the PPI will control it so you can heal :)

Do it! You will feel SOOOO much better that you did and please keep us posted!

17-07-14, 21:18
I worry because I have had anxiety for years, but this stomach stuff has only kicked off in the last few months. X unusual for me.

X Thanks so much for talking to me, guys. You are all really helping x

Old 68
01-02-15, 11:23
I posted about my Dental fears ,and broken Tooth.
Eventually plucked up courage to have a check up.
,I need 2 fillings,but have to wait 4 weeks for the appointment.
I have started to panic already,I have opted for Sedation,but never had it before.
Silly ,maybe,but it's the unknown.I wake up in a panic because of it.

01-02-15, 12:44
I've had local, sedation and general anaesthetic many times. Sedation is a slightly lighter form of general... I always fall asleep under sedation so for me they are pretty similar... Except it takes longer for the body to recover from a general aanaesthetic.

26-10-15, 14:34
I also had dental work while away, had my wisdom tooth pooled, while it was ok, I could feel myself getting anxious during it.