View Full Version : Trembling, weakness, shakey.....!!

17-07-14, 21:28
Hi Everyone

I woke up this morning after 4 hours sleep had breakfast and cleaned up the house, afterwards I went food shopping, a sudden weakness came over me and trembling, jelly legs, kind of similar to the feeling when you're starving or your body needs something sweet, but this was not the case.....

Now I'm suffering from pain in my shoulders and bicep I don't know if it's joint pain or what not but today has been shit and I've tried to mke the best of it but I'm overwhelmed with worry, fear, etc all the ingredients for a full blown attack...:weep:

I've had full blood counts done 3 weeks ago all clear...

Anyone experienced similar symptoms is this normal??

I'd be really grateful for your input :)


17-07-14, 23:07
Same here I've had days of only 4/5 hours sleep and I would have feelings of being trembling, shaky, nausea, fatigue, not being to keep my balance, dizziness, derealisation; I think that's about it! ;)

Daisy Sue
17-07-14, 23:50
It could well be another side to your anxiety symptoms, Pete. Are you still taking the meds?

Hope it's gone over by now, sometimes a good sleep gets rid of those kind of feelings.

Mrs Panda
18-07-14, 13:24
I have experienced this many times, especially on the days when I don't sleep well. Being tired makes you more susceptible to anxiety as your body is exhausted. The weakness and jelly legs feeling I often have when I go out due to anxiety (which is just a surge of adrenaline). Cleaning the house before you went out probably used up a lot of your energy so it could possibly have just been purely exhaustion based. I find that eating regular smaller meals throughout the day helps, especially if each meal/snack has some protein in it :)

18-07-14, 19:28
Thanks all for your replies

That feeling has went away but my sleep pattern is screwed up, i think you're all right exhaustion and my mind going 200mph especially more at night, i feel walled in like I'm trapped in this whole crazy process and i'm still having to get on with it (forcing myself) while I feel like I'm going to collapse with exhaustion, stress, etc..

I went for bloods today and i'm awaiting the results on Wednesday I also have an appointment that day too. I'll need to explain this routine i'm in tbh I have no quality of life atm, forgive me for sounding off like I feel sorry for myself it ain't like that at all I just want my life back to a point where I woke up feeling happy.

I hope you're all doing well and in good health and I'm very grateful for your replies and reassurance that I ain't alone on this matter.

Thanks again, aaronc, Sue, Panda :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:


19-07-14, 16:53
It's back again and playing havoc with my stomach, a heavy feeling and discomfort, this Wednesday seems like a month away for blood Results... I'm worried now constant discomfort more so when I wake:weep: