View Full Version : Some Advice needed pelase

18-07-14, 00:08
Hi guys,

Well lets start by saying I started on citalopram about 7 years ago I think it was, for panic attacks basically stopping me going to uni etc. Started on 20mg and then ended up at 40mg. At 40mg I was peaceful and able to lead a normal life, got a job, gf, house, car etc.

Now me thinking im cured and the doctor suggesting I taper off down to 20mg for a month then off which reading over the forums seems like a bad idea! I went to one of the worse stages of my life, way worse than the panic attacks I had before I started. Couldn't eat, sleep, sit still, constantly anxious and panic attacks always around the corner.

So went back on the Citalopram after talking to my doctor, went back to 40 and everything was fine again and a few years passed and I get the notion to try come off again! Why? I dunno.

So went to 20mg for about 6 weeks and started feeling bad again like before and so went back up to 40mg.

But this time I didn't feel much better after almost 5-6 weeks. I was given some generic Citalopram that I didn't have before made by Aurobindo. I read some negative stuff on the web and decided to go and get another subscription from my doc incase I was having side effects of the brand and got a Mylan UK made Citalopram from another chemist.

So heres the rub, still not feeling much better, bit of an apetite but constant anxiety and nausea, although thankfully I'm sleeping okay.

So my question is, has anyone dropped down a dose before then not felt the benefits going back up? I've been on 40mg now for about 5 weeks and about 2 days on the ones made by Mylan and trying to ride it out. My doc suggested mirtazapine or sertaline but I'm hesitant to switch since Citalopram worked so well for many years without any side effects.

Anyone been through the same or any suggestions, should I try and ride it out and will I start to feel like my old self again on the 40mg ?? OR should I abandon all ye hope and try a new med.

P.s kinda felt good typing out that wee story!

18-07-14, 19:11
5 weeks might not be long enough I guess, maybe give it a few more if you can face it!

19-07-14, 17:43
Well day 4 on the Mylan Citalopram and I defo feel a difference. However still feel but now I feel very depressed and weepy and have been very tired.

I'm not sure if that's them starting to kick back in and I'm getting some side effects or not.

21-11-14, 11:40
Hi. How are you getting on now? I'm in the same boat. I was on 20mg for 7/8 years and decided to come off it in June. I got down as low as 5mg every other day when my anxiety got worse. I started taking 5mg every day, then 10mg every day at the beginning of oct, 15mg everyday at the end of oct and just upped to 20mg on Friday. I feel worse. My anxiety is sky high in the morning and I don't ever see it settling even though people tell me it does. I'm so scared and can't go to work. I do feel better in the evening but I want to be able to wake up and not be scared. Cit worked for me before. Why not now? So would be interested to see if you adjusted to it