View Full Version : Thought I was getting better

18-07-14, 03:00
After 3 weeks on Pristiq I experienced a few lovely days this week that made me think my anxiety was going.

It has really helped with the panic attacks, but now I feel depressed. A horrible, hopeless feeling. I have never thought I was a depressed person, just a panicked and anxious one.

God, I hate this feeling. I just want to feel well and healthy again.

At night I drink wine "to relax" and I know this is the worst thing you can possibly do. It can actually bring on the depression, can't it, but silly me does it anyway to "escape" my brain for a few hours. Only to wake up and feel depressed and panicky again the next day.

It's embarrassing to type that. I'm not helping myself, I know.

My latest anxiety symptom is a sort of muscular pain in my chest, sort of in the centre and back. Now I am convinced I have something seriously wrong with me and the tests I have had done missed something.

Feeling so helpless

18-07-14, 05:32
I'm sorry you are feeling so low. Please know you're not the only one! I'm not familiar with Pristiq but perhaps until it gets fully in your system is it a possibility that depression is a side effect? I'm on week three of Prozac and have realized that depression is a side effect. Perhaps it will dissipate with treatment. Also, I can't drink at all. I know, it's a bummer but alcohol can affect your meds and.brain chemistry. Good luck to you, don't hesitate to reach out to a health professional for help if needed. You are definitely not alone, take comfort in that.

Mrs Panda
18-07-14, 05:58
Hi Jennywren, I understand how you feel, been there myself many times over the years. I originally went onto antidepressants to control my anxiety and although they helped a bit, I found myself feeling depressed.....I was like...what the?? I thought antidepressant meant that it stops you feeling depressed!! But they seem to have the opposite effect on me, and other people too it seems. Take heart Jennywren that a set back is not a disaster but part of the recovery process. I found when I started to feel better I often overdid things and got too stressed and had set back days too. So frustrating I know!!! Because you just want to feel better and get your life back but it just takes time and perseverance and patience (yeah I know...eye roll hey? Haha). I read a quote the other day that stuck in my head..."If you take 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, you are still in front!" Think of it that way :) take care and be kind to yourself.

---------- Post added at 14:58 ---------- Previous post was at 14:55 ----------

Also....found a great book about recovery from anxiety. At Last A Life by Paul David. Makes a lot of sense. It is available from amazon.com. I got the kindle version....only $10. Bargain! :)

18-07-14, 20:58
Sending you a big hug jennywren. I noticed you took the time to reply to people (including me during the storm) last night so thank you for being such a caring compassionate person x

21-07-14, 05:54
Thank you so much for your replies, guys.
So much appreciated.

A few days down the track and I am much better.