View Full Version : Feeling terrible today - could do with some support

18-07-14, 10:59
I'm sitting here on my birthday feeling wretched - just about every phobia I have is kicking in - can't tolerate the heat, sleeping but constantly waking with a start, burning guts, terrible thoughts, aches in stomach, feeling nauseous and trying desperately to keep hold of myself.

My father had a minor heart attack two days ago, and although he seems to be on the mend I am desperately worried, trying to support my mum but all I want to do is cry. Unfortunately my family are 100 miles away -my father told me not to dash up there but of course I want to see him. I suffer from agoraphobia too and am bracing myself for a journey up to see him tomorrow. Just worried that I will break down and I don't want to do that and upset him, my mum and other family. Every time my mum updates me with progress I am expecting the worst........

Anyone reading this will probably think I am pathetic - but I hate people to see me like this - trying to be strong for others but inwardly I could scream at myself for being so weak. I would be grateful for any support from the No More Panic community to lift me out of this panicky stupor.


18-07-14, 11:15
All i can say with absolute certainty is that you are NOT pathetic. There is no point in me telling you to calm down because i know how horrible it is when someone says that to me. But just know that you are not alone in any of this. We're all here. Maybe have a read through some of the other posts and see if you an pick up on any good relaxation techniques that might help?

"sometimes the strength within you isnt a fiery flame for all to see. Sometimes it is just a tiny spark that whispers ever so quietly 'you got this... keep going".

18-07-14, 12:58
I dont think anyone reading that post would think you are pathetic. This is one of the problems with mental health, that the people suffering somehow feel like it isnt worthy of proper attention. It certainly is and in my view, the NHS should pay just as much attention to our mental wellbeing as our physical wellbeing.

18-07-14, 13:17
Hi dorabella. Sorry to hear you're having such a bad time. You're definitely not pathetic, and it's completely normal to feel upset and in need of help when something like this happens. Maybe talk to your mum/friends about how you're feeling, support is important.
Hope your dad gets better soon. Xx

18-07-14, 14:23
Thanks for the understanding and encouragement guys - that's what is so wonderful about this site - we all appreciate each other's anxieties.

Feeling a bit better than earlier - everything just getting on top of me. My dad is much better today -had a word with him this morning.


18-07-14, 14:49
I agree with the others. It makes sense you are feeling this way considering the circumstances. Glad you are feeling a bit better and glad your dad is also improving.