View Full Version : Thunder :(

18-07-14, 19:58
Omg it's gonna thunder again In a minute...
Last night a house that was struck is only 10 mins away from me and I'm terrified it will be us tonight

18-07-14, 20:40
I'm the same Emma. I'm terrified of storms and its coming over black here. I'm so stressed. I just want summer to be over with and I long for cold frosty days.

18-07-14, 20:55
I used to be terrified of storms. I live in Kansas, and we are very prone to tornadoes and when I was younger my father's favorite movie was Twister - so I was haunted by them.

I think what helped me was associating good things with storms. I'll put on comfy clothes, maybe watch a favorite movie, and fix a favorite snack. When everything gets dark and rainy it just gets so nice and cozy inside. If I focus on that positive aspect, instead of being afraid of what "could" happen it helps me greatly. Much easier said than done, I know, but now I think storms are fun and exciting instead of absolutely terrifying.

18-07-14, 21:45
Poppy that's a good idea,
Distraction is key in these kind of problems.
We had the rumbles but nothing come of it yet!
Sweating to death though
Please bring back cosy nights with dressings gowns and hot water bottles lol

---------- Post added at 21:44 ---------- Previous post was at 21:40 ----------

Dreading the night though. Mores to come :(

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------

Wouldn't be so bad if a house so close to me literally a fifteen min walk hadn't been struck last night but it just goes to prove I could be tonight.

18-07-14, 22:59
We had storms last night too and more forecast for overnight. Keep safe all.

18-07-14, 23:03
Don't forget that lightning is random. Just because there's a storm where u r doesn't mean your house will be struck. I totally empathise with how u feel. I am scared of it but don't worry it will get me. Not anymore. I still jump when I am not expecting it. My partner knows if I see it's been forecast I am nervous. I saw a flash last night and I screamed. It's a fear going back to my childhood.
But I won't allow myself to overly worry about it. I have wasted too much energy in life on what ifs. I prefer to know if it's forecast as then I can plan around it if necessary.
Emma, I have been in a house that was struck. It was a split second of noise & it was over with. That was probably 25 yrs ago now if not longer it didn't alter my fear. No worse and no better. But in practical terms it didnt hurt me.
It wasn't particularly spectacular and as I say it lasted for a very short time.
I am hoping this will help ease your fears. I really don't allow myself to dwell these days. As I said it still makes me jump when I am taken by surprise but why worry? It's random, a bit like the way life can be Random so you keep distracting yourself as there's far more interesting things to occupy yourself with.
Now I must go and get some sleep to makeup for the sleep I didn't get last night as I was kept awake by big distant rumbles.

19-07-14, 00:23
I'm the same... Hate thunder and lightning and didn't sleep a wink last night... Tonight so far we have been let off lightly here, but I am informed the storms will be back early am :(

Take care everyone... Hope you manage to get some sleep :)

19-07-14, 00:31
I have a thread too on this called; 'Scared of Thunder and Lightning'. I wish there were Lightning shelters we could run to, but that would be no good either if made out of metal. I don't know whether to stay up and wait for it to pass or bundle myself under a sheet and hope I drop off to sleep. I hate the thought of be woken by the storm, that makes me even worse! It is expected at 3am where I am, if it was during the day it would be a little easier. I have been reading about precautions on the web and I have unplugged so many gadgets and there is even a safety position in the event of a storm. (To crouch in a ball, holding your ankles and keep your head low. I may try and adopt this position in bed. I must sound really crazy saying all of this.:scared15:

19-07-14, 00:48
I have a thread too on this called; 'Scared of Thunder and Lightning'. I wish there were Lightning shelters we could run to, but that would be no good either if made out of metal. I don't know whether to stay up and wait for it to pass or bundle myself under a sheet and hope I drop off to sleep. I hate the thought of be woken by the storm, that makes me even worse! It is expected at 3am where I am, if it was during the day it would be a little easier. I have been reading about precautions on the web and I have unplugged so many gadgets and there is even a safety position in the event of a storm. (To crouch in a ball, holding your ankles and keep your head low. I may try and adopt this position in bed. I must sound really crazy saying all of this.:scared15:

No you don't sound crazy... there are a lot of us who understand :)

Myself personally, its the shock of the flashes and sound of the thunder that scare me... No matter what I do they make me jump every time and my heart feels like its going to jump right out of my chest.

I sit in a room with all the lights on so i can't see the lightning and put some headphones on with music very loud lol... So there you go... I am just as crazy :)

19-07-14, 00:51
I keep the lights on too. It doesn't seem as bad when it is pitch dark. Maybe I will wear sunglasses in bed as well.:shades:

19-07-14, 03:52
When I was a child, possibly about 7 or 8yo, we had a huge storm one night, it was maybe around 2am. I was scared stiff and went into my parents bedroom.

What did my Dad do? He took me to the window and made me watch it.

Now I love a good storm. I'll even go outside and watch it.

Granted, at night time the lightning makes you jump, but if you're in the house you are extremely unlikely to come to any harm.

Bit miffed the south of the country have had big storms and there's been nothing up here in the north yet. Ha ha, having said that, literally as I am typing this sentence I heard a rumble.


19-07-14, 04:44
I'm in the south and there is a big storm here. I was woken by a huge clap of thunder and am still shaking. You feel so alone when it comes in the night, even if someone else is in the house. Its so mentally and physically exhausting. I've got my headphones on blarrng out bon jovi! Carnation, you made me laugh about wearing sunglasses in bed, that's exactly the sort of thing I'd do.! Have you tried an eye mask? You won't look as cool but would block out most of the lightning!

19-07-14, 18:53
I got myself in to such a state last night, ended going to bed so late, must have dropped off with exhaustion and next thing I knew, it was morning.
The day after, I feel so pathetic. I had unplugged all gadgets except for the fridge and my Partner was miffed because he couldn't charge up his phone.
I couldn't do anything today because I have no energy and my Anxieties were full-on twitching, fidgeting, muscle contractions, breathing problems; you know the stuff.:ohmy:

Glad I made you laugh Sedalia, I actually wasn't joking! I May try the eye mask as well, can I wear this under the sunglasses or over the top?
(Only joking).:shades:

19-07-14, 19:15
I keep the lights on too. It doesn't seem as bad when it is pitch dark. Maybe I will wear sunglasses in bed as well.:shades:

We have dark curtains, that helps alot. If I have to get up then I need the lights on. If I am home alone and it's dark I will put the lights on if a storm approaches.

19-07-14, 19:22
I was terrified of storms as a kid, it would have been classed as a phobia. I used to force the pillow around my head, turn the light on and have the TV on loud. One day it was thundering during the day and I couldn't escape it so my mother sat with me and counted the flashes to the bangs 'One elephant... two elephants... three elephants...' and, with each time, my fear slowly went. Now I love storms!

Exposure is the only way to cure a phobia. The thing to remember is that thunderstorms cause little problems, OK a house in Kent got destroyed yesterday, but that's VERY RARE! They are a spectacular show from Mother Nature!

20-07-14, 09:42
I love thunder storms! They're really exciting to watch, but I can appreciate that the loud sudden noise and threat of it harming you can feel very real, but with today's building structure and conductors you so so unlikely to be in any danger. I think childhood has a lot to do with it--my parents always got excited by storms but boy do I hate spiders still! :p

20-07-14, 19:21
Lyn, I am certainly with you about those blasted 8-legged creatures!!!!!!

20-07-14, 19:38
More Thunder on its way. Trying to adapt a different attitude to it. I am upstairs looking out of the window with the TV on and on the Computer. Sky very black and rumbling, so lets see what happens. I might have to get a glass of wine for this new adaptation.:ohmy:

20-07-14, 19:44
We've had a lot of thunder but luckily I'm okay with them. My dog however disagrees.
I can certainly see why people have phobias of storms, you are not weird at all! I'd suggest closing the curtains, listen to some of your favourite music- if you have headphones then that's awesome coz you can listen to it really loud even at night. Or even watching YouTube vids, that makes time fly by I find.

20-07-14, 22:42
No thunder about in the uk, relief to all.

21-07-14, 00:14
No thunder about in the uk, relief to all.

Yes... it started early evening here, but didn't materialise to a big storm, thankfully... Here's to a good night's sleep (I hope) :)

01-08-14, 15:11
Hi guys we had a big one the other day and I had to go to work in it Wasnt as bad as I thought and quite enjoyed it tbh. Has helped me a bit

01-08-14, 16:05
That's really good, Emma! A little bit of exposure at a time does wonders.

01-08-14, 20:29
Yes that's true rennie. Once I was in the van with work colleagues the thunder was quite exciting actually.

01-08-14, 21:20
Way to go!

01-08-14, 21:24
Thanks tessar

03-08-14, 07:34

I am also afraid of thunder as well. What I am doing is that I just do deep breathing exercise and think of happy thoughts. It is very nice to divert your fear to anything that you like listening to your favorite music, think about your favorite place. This will lessen your fear.

Kris :)