View Full Version : The appendicitis that lasts forever

19-07-14, 00:36
Hi there! I'd posted once before, and I found that you guys really tend to calm me down. My appendicitis symptoms have come back after about a week and a half of them being gone. I thought everything was going fine and that they would never come back, but here we go again.
I get this pain in my stomach below my bellybutton and to the right. It's possible that it's a muscle strain but this time I am almost 100% sure it's appendicitis but my mom won't believe me. When I fart, I feel the pain like something is squeezing my muscles in the area. I also have pain when I poop. I am very very scared.

19-07-14, 01:15
Hey CodyyGagaa, I honestly really don't think it's appendicitis. I don't think you would have on and off pain and not for this long if it was. And the pain would be really bad too, you more than likely wouldn't be able to even walk. I think I've said this in one of your previous threads but press down on where you can feel the pain, appendicitis usually hurts when you release your hand. Are you vomiting or have you got a fever or anything? It's highly unlikely that it's your appendix that's causing the pain :)

19-07-14, 02:10
Ah. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm spamming the forum. Posting here really helps me to calm my nerves.
I don't have a fever, and I got a hold of my doctor and she told me to call her if I had a fever or the pain got worse so that was also a little comforting. It was most likely a muscle strain. *phew*
Thank you for being here for me. I appreciate it!

19-07-14, 02:19
I get you - it's nice to post here and just have people listen; people who understand or have been there. There are some awesome posters here as well, with fantastic advice - even more incentive to post!

Anyway, appendicitis is an infection, so you would have a fever for sure - a high one. You'd also have terrible, terrible pain. There really wouldn't be any question. I think a muscle strain is the likely culprit; sometimes I also get similar pain when I eat something I shouldn't and need to, uh, use the restroom. Sometimes it takes me a couple of trips to clear it all out of my system.

21-07-14, 01:18
hey, sorry to hear this is giving you a hard time...
at the end of last year i thought i was beginning to have appendicitis... It got me so worked up that i even went to A&E for it... Its also what kicked off my HA in the first place..
i was in a state about it at the hospital, but the nurse was explaining to me that if it was appendicitis, it wouldn't have lasted a week..and if i had it i would be on the floor in terrible pain, and she knew, she saw it happen to a friend once. They said that there's so much going on in that area of your body that the pain could be the smallest thing, i still get aches and pains now and in trying to not stress over them, its allways best to go to the doctors for reassurance though, i do and its the only way to keep me calm, i hope your pains go though, i doubt its anything serious :)

21-07-14, 03:06
Just agreeing with the others - if you had appendicitis, you really would know about it, and it certainly wouldn't be manageable pain. Usually it is very bad and people get taken to hospital not too long after the problems begin, so I highly doubt that is what you have.

At the worst you probably just have a muscle strain, but it could be that your anxiety is making any pain ten times worse that it really is. I get a ton of physical symptoms from my anxiety and panic attacks, so I know from experience how real they can be.

Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon :)