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View Full Version : Help me understand test results MRI and EMG

19-07-14, 02:03
Hello and I hope you are all doing well. I am a long time HA sufferer, middle aged , and in decent shape. I have been having years worth of aches, pains, numbness and weakness in my hands, elbows, shoulders and neck. I recently had an mri of my cervical spine that found nothing wrong and an emg of both arms that found nothing wrong. I really did not have a chance to chat with the doctor so I was hoping you guys could help me understand what this rules out. Does this rule out MS, ALS and all the nasty things? I am pretty sure these symptoms are from years of worrying and sitting in front of a computer but that little voice is telling me to google to find out and I really don't want to. In the mean time I am stretching more and trying to find better ways to loosen all these muscles. Anyway, thanks in advance and peace to you all.
