View Full Version : Gutted about this rage

18-12-06, 13:04
Agh...I was doing so well last week with only tiny outbursts of rage an come the weekend I was particularly chilled out which I was chuffed at because I'm off to Glastonbury on Thursday for Shamanic healing and waned to be 'ready' for it then on Sunday afternoon I went into ASDA and it was so manic in there I was almost running from isle to isle. The self service tills were particulalry troublesome. People were pushing in front of each other and standing over them while they were still at the tills. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rude! I'd never DREAM of it! This hapenned to me and the woman in question irritated me so much that instead of simply saying "I'm sorry would you mind waiting?! I got in a state, felt my face turn red hot and feld. The horrible feeling lasted all evening and I statred getting rage ouburts again and screaming for no reason. This is so unfair why I have to feel like this. I really want to be able to chill out.

18-12-06, 13:31
Sorry your feeling so bad,I went to asda yesterday,my god you would think the shops were just for about a month over christmas,people are going round the shop in a manic state,with trolley loads,Pushing and shoving.:(

Ellen XX

18-12-06, 13:58
sorry you had such a bad experience, unfortunately shopping at this time of year is always quite manic. This is why I have arranged to go shopping at midnight with a friend as I am sure that I could not cope with supermarkets during this season of goodwill???

It is enough to make anyone scream

Hugs to you
