View Full Version : Thyroid info-please read

19-07-14, 02:04
I have been taking Cipralex and been ill for about 12 wks with awful anxiety, and have just been told that my thyroid levels are really high and I am taking too much thyroxine, so I am over medicated after being on 75mcg for 24 years i now have to decrease quite rapidly.
I wondered why I wasn't getting any better :)
Thyroid sufferers check your levels regularly, and anyone else get your thyroid checked you never know.:winks:

20-07-14, 01:05
Good to hear you've found an explanation :) psychologists are actually encouraged to ensure that any anxiety sufferer has been in contact with their GP and had their thyroid levels tested. It's surprising how much of an impact it can have on your mental health! A good thing for everyone to know really :)