View Full Version : stupid worries

19-07-14, 09:51
Not sure why im posting this really as not sure I will be on again until Thursday.
Im going away this morning to Bolton which is a good 4 hours drive from me.... well I expect you can guess the rest lol .... anxiety is high and im tearful. why do I let this get to me you really would think I would have learnt by now.why cant I just be pleased to be going away.
Ive completed my cbt and that was great but that was for my ocd.
im worried if I tell you what really worries me you will laugh but I should know by now that no one laughs at another's anxieties. I am going with a close friend, they don't understand anxiety/panic etc but im ok with that, im worried that they will become ill :blush:I have health anxiety about other people not myself! obviously im worried about a few other things too being somewhere I don't know etc.
it ruins everything if I could get over this one last thing life would be good.
im going to Bolton as tom my youngest son is competing in the iron man on sunday I am going to watch him. if all goes well we are then going on to wales for 2 days.
oh why do I let these stupid thoughts worry me.

thanks for listening to me.

19-07-14, 10:26
Aww bluey

First of all.....(((((bluey))))

Now.....don't put yourself down...you have done fantastically well over the last year and i am so proud of you....i know you can achieve this journey....the worries wont be gone completely....but you believe in yourself a whole lot more....

Each time you worry about your friend imagine me and my pirate face tell you to think rationally....and kick panics ass, as im there in spirit doing it with you.

Let the panic work itself out. Focus on enjoying the trip....and remember the rewards you will get from going. I will try and look out for you on fb to give you some more moral support

Jac xx

19-07-14, 10:34
Hi Rach
I have nothing much to add apart from I agree with Jac.
The pirate is a great image, couple that with my boots and you will be fine.
You must be so proud of Tom. The Ironman is no mean feat and it will be great for him to have you there, especially as he understands how difficult it will be for you.
Can't wait to hear about your trip, go and enjoy.
Your friend will be fine and you will rock it.
tc and enjoy

19-07-14, 13:32
That's what anxiety does Hun don't let u enjoy yrself hope all goes well Hun

21-07-14, 09:06
Thank u :-) I knew just writing this people would be routing for me and it really does help. I was up at 4am yest to watch Tom get in the water. 2000 competitors so u can imagine the crowds. Tom didn't finish the coarse he completed the swim and most of the cycle but there are cut off times. He is gutted but we are all coming back next year. I'm on my phone so will bore u when I'm home wed eve.
The anx is there but am just gonna do it anyway!
Thank u so much for all your support it really does mean a lot just wanted to let. Know am ok