View Full Version : First day of 20mg

19-07-14, 13:08
Well folks, that's me eventually decided to give 20mg a go as trying to cut my tab to get 15mg is anything but and exact science:blush:.
Here's hoping this "therapeutic dose" will work its magic.

sweating absolute buckets at mo' I'm sure the humid weather is not helping:).

P.s. Trying to deal with my 13yr old son who has developed major ocd with germs"Howard Hughes level" screaming because our 3yr old touched one of his slipper he uses to navigate out "dirty" home. He treats his bedroom like an airlock - no-one allowed in. Also, to add to the fun my 9 yr old has started to tic. my personal take on this is modern foods are absolutely frazzling us due to sugar and additives.

any support would be greatly appreciated at the mo,

Take care my fellow travelers:hugs:


19-07-14, 20:14
Hope you get on well Paul, just be patient with it.

19-07-14, 22:12
I have been taking Citalopram for about 2 weeks now and I've been living a nightmare since then. The first day it hit me after about 4 hours after I took the first pill: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, sweats... then for a week it has been fine. On monday I have collapsed on the street when my blood pressure dropped suddenly and a friend had to come and pick me up because I wasn't able to walk anymore. I ended up at the doctors and she assured me that I was fine and to continue with it. On tuesday I was fine but on wednesday i collapsed again. Since then I am at home, in bed, with nausea, muscle pain, dizziness, I feel sick, I can't sleep... I am very scared to get out of the house because I don't know if I'm able to walk... I get tired just going to the kitchen and back.... is this gonna end soon? I am desperate..... :(

20-07-14, 00:46
HI Joanna,

Sorry you're feeling bad if you still feel bad give NHS24 a call

I feel for you ,:hugs:


Thanks for your encouragement Mark:)

20-07-14, 16:46
I have been taking Citalopram for about 2 weeks now and I've been living a nightmare since then. The first day it hit me after about 4 hours after I took the first pill: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, sweats... then for a week it has been fine. On monday I have collapsed on the street when my blood pressure dropped suddenly and a friend had to come and pick me up because I wasn't able to walk anymore. I ended up at the doctors and she assured me that I was fine and to continue with it. On tuesday I was fine but on wednesday i collapsed again. Since then I am at home, in bed, with nausea, muscle pain, dizziness, I feel sick, I can't sleep... I am very scared to get out of the house because I don't know if I'm able to walk... I get tired just going to the kitchen and back.... is this gonna end soon? I am desperate..... :(

I am so sorry you are having such a hard time..I am no expert, but collapsing like that sounds serious, I think you should really have it checked out..Nausea, dizziness , dry mouth sounds like pretty normal side effects from cit, but I have not heard of anyone collapsing..Please be safe. Debbie

24-07-14, 12:05

Thank you very much for your support! I have been to my GP yesterday and she lowered the dose to 10mg. She said i am unlucky to have all these side effects. She said that if i don't start to feel better in 2 weeks and if the side effects continue she will change the citalopram for something else.

I usually take the pill at around 5-6 pm after I have my dinner. On Monday I didn't take it until 10pm, because I went out with some friends and I wanted to enjoy the day without having side effects. On the way back I started to feel really bad, in the car. By the time I got home I was shaking badly and feeling very sick. It took ages to be able to calm down after I took the citalopram and an anti-nausea pill, which the doctor recommended.

Yesterday I lowered the dose to 10mg, as the doctor said and today I woke up with a headache, like the first time I started to take them. I am scared.... :( I can't take the same side effects again...

24-07-14, 12:28
Cit can be hard to adjust to and it can take between 4 to 8 weeks to get used to, but in the long run its very good.

I have been in cit 40mg for 9 months now although it was rough to start with its great now and in general day to day life is good mostly.

Cit is not for everyone and there others that work better for some but that's for your doc and you to decide.

26-07-14, 00:48
Almost a week on 20mg feel a bit better:). How's everyone else doing?
Peace and serenity, Paul

26-07-14, 02:02
That's super news, Paul! It's funny how "a little bit" better really goes a long way. Two steps forward, one back is still progress! ... Me, I'm back from holidays, which in some ways is a relief. Getting back to relative peace and quiet and stable routines. I really notice that this seems imperative for those of us with anxiety and depression, to stick to routine, for the most part. As boring as it sounds, lol!

How is it going with the kids now? I just now saw a commercial for mental health that says that 1 in 5 children under the age of 12 has mental health issues. I think it is positive that they have recognized and are doing more to bring awareness to our kids' mental health as well as adults'! Keep your sense of humour, Paul, and hang in there! I think it's wonderful that you have some empathy straight away with your kids, and understanding. Does anyone at your son's school have any experience with phobias in children?
Marie :hugs:

27-07-14, 16:40
Hi Marie good to hear from you:).
tbh its a bit tiring with the kids as along with my eldest major germ phobia, my middle son has developed a tic. I honestly feel we need to live in the hills somewhere and grow our own food that is not full of a chemistry laboratory:lac:. My eldest is being seen by one of my friend who is a child psychologist so hopefully we can nip it in the bud:). middle sons tic is a worry at mo but he ho one day at a time.

Take care,


28-07-14, 03:52
Aw, that's fantastic you have a friend who's a child psychologist! Nipping it in the bud, not having to wait for a referral, etc. :D ... My nephew used to have a tic as a child, but he no longer has it as an adult. Keep on trudging, you're doing fine xx
Marie :hugs:

29-07-14, 02:06
Well folks, that's me eventually decided to give 20mg a go as trying to cut my tab to get 15mg is anything but and exact science:blush:.
Here's hoping this "therapeutic dose" will work its magic.

sweating absolute buckets at mo' I'm sure the humid weather is not helping:).

P.s. Trying to deal with my 13yr old son who has developed major ocd with germs"Howard Hughes level" screaming because our 3yr old touched one of his slipper he uses to navigate out "dirty" home. He treats his bedroom like an airlock - no-one allowed in. Also, to add to the fun my 9 yr old has started to tic. my personal take on this is modern foods are absolutely frazzling us due to sugar and additives.

any support would be greatly appreciated at the mo,

Take care my fellow travelers:hugs:

Congrats on making it to 20mg, Paul..that is great..Proud of you..I am still at 10mg, went up to 12mg (using liquid cit along with tablet), felt so horrible, back at 10mg.. S till do not know if this is going to help me or not..About 3 weeks ago, I had 1 week that I felt real improvement, even commented to myself 'love this med', then all of a sudden I went backwards and cant catch a break..Don't know what to do..Really glad you are doing so well, keep it up..debbie:bighug1: