View Full Version : Woke up with terrible vertigo

19-07-14, 14:36
Today I woke up at 4am because of the storm and was awake for an hour, by the end of that hour the room started spinning so I thought I need to go back to sleep because I'm obviously still very tired.
I managed to fall back asleep but I woke up again at 6am feeling very nauseous and the room still spinning, I stumbled to the kitchen to get water, crashing into everything, and then eventually it calmed down enough for me to not feel so sick anymore. The room still spun but only when I moved or changed positions.
I'm now just feeling very nauseous and like I'm on the edge of having anohter room spinning episode. I am not right on my feet, feel very unbalanced. I can't eat anything because my stomach is so upside down, I feel like I need to go to the toilet a lot and I also feel on the verge of being sick. My stomach just feels upside down.
I'm staying in the same position on the couch because this is the only way the room stays almost still.
I feel very hot and my head and neck hurt a bit and I have a nasty taste in my mouth.
I have stuff I need to do today (like get cat food as I have just ran out) but I can't go out like this, I feel exhausted and I would probably end up walking into a road (the shop is 2 minutes walk but still)
Anybody had vertigo? What was it and how long did it last???
I can't handle it.
It's a saturday and I want to enjoy myself. I'm so tempted to just drink this bottle of vodka I have infront of me because when I'm drunk I don't worry and I don't mind being sick.
I also live alone. It's scaring me that I will get so much vertigo that I won't even be able to use my phone to call someone.

19-07-14, 16:08
Is it possible you slept in an awkward position and cricked your neck? The heat and humid weather does not help, try to sip plenty water. If you are worried, dial 111 NHS direct and they will advise you. Big hugs.:hugs:

19-07-14, 17:01
I know someone who had vertigo. It was so bad they had GP come out.
It is treatable. Good advice from Ruby.:hugs:

19-07-14, 18:02
Woke up with the same thing a while ago - it was gone in a couple of hours. Very unpleasant

19-07-14, 18:42
I had this recently and went to the doctors. Its got some long name and I cant remember for the life of me what it was but its harmless. Its when you sleep funny a small crystal can dislodge in your inner ear fluid so when you stop moving the crystal carries on giving you the vertigo. There are special excercises you can do to help. check out youtube :)

20-07-14, 17:05
Hey guys, thanks for your replies. It didn't happen throughout the night this last night but I still feel nauseous and my neck and shoulders are hurting and sore. My tummy is upside down and my head feels a bit headachey and a bit foggy/muffled.
I've managed to clean through my flat though so all good up to now but I don't feel like it has fully gone yet whatever it was.