View Full Version : Worries and stress-anxiety back

19-07-14, 16:13
I haven't posted for a while. I'd actually been doing quite well and was getting my panic and anxiety under some control, but it seems it's come back to get me again. They say when it rains, it pours-I think that's really true! I'm sure it happens to everyone at some point, but to me it feels like everything comes down on me all at once. We've recently moved house-had quite a hard few months, as we had to leave a place we quite liked due to noise and disturbance from neighbours.I was looking forward to living somewhere else, but now that the time has come and I can see there's still loads of work to be done, i feel a bit anxious (the place we'll be living in wasn't left in very good condition). We are currently bunking up with family, which is not really ideal, as we have to fit in around everyone else. It feels like I don't really have anything I can call my own at the moment and I'm tip toeing around. I've also been really busy and a bit 'put upon' at work. I always like to try my best to be a reliable, helpful co-worker, but often I find that gets taken advantage of loads and I wish I found it a bit easier to say 'no' to things. Like my boss asked me if i would take on 2 new projects which I'm not really comfortable with, but feel like I have to do, as I don't want to be 'awkward' or disappoint people. A lot of the time I try to appear confident, but worry that I'm not up to challenges I am given. I feel a bit resentful that other people at work get given an easier time, because they're not so eager to please, but I guess that is my issue! Because of work and home stress I am starting to suffer from those all too well known anxiety symptoms (upset stomach, feeling dizzy and shaky, feeling scared all the time and just that general 'panic' feeling!). This happened to me today-I decided to go to the supermarket and came over all anxious and felt like I wanted to get home straight away. I am trying to distract myself and find things to do that will take my mind off of things, but am finding it difficult, as I can't seem to clear my mind and focus on positive things. Just one of those times I guess....hopefully it will pass soon, but wish I could deal better with the anxiety. :unsure:

19-07-14, 16:28
Hi Iced Diamond,

I know how you feel. A few years ago i had my panic and anxiety fairly under control then i left college, started a new job (which i hated cos there was no support from my colleagues) and get really unwell all at the same time and my anxiety quickly spiraled out of control. The good thing is that it sounds like you have recognised the anxiety returning quite quickly (it took me 6 months to admit i needed help and in that 6 month i get worst and worst). Is there anyway you could speak to your boss and see if you could get some help with one of the projects? When i am panicy and anxious i always get told to make time to relax and practice deep breathing so maybe that will help?

19-07-14, 17:13
Thanks for your post. :) I think I do need to speak to people more generally to let them know how I'm feeling-especially my boss, as I realise if I take it all on, nobody will know I am struggling unless I say. I have tried some relaxation techniques from time to time and the breathing does generally help. It's just remaining rational I guess. Trouble with anxiety is that the anxiety of the anxiety causes more anxiety :), so you end up going around in circles a bit, but I have had it under control before, so hopefully it will fade once this busy phase of my life has passed. :)