View Full Version : been on this two years . can I stop now

20-07-14, 08:06
Hi. I have been on cit for 2 years bow. Was on 20mg then went down to 10. I had a bad time going on it but its time now to come off. I've been non 10mg for about 10 months. The last 6 days I have taken 5 mg and there are no side efects. Would it be OK to just stop it. Doc said alternate days. 5 mg one day then none the next . I just want to stop it now as 5 mg is nothing..

20-07-14, 08:37
I would keep taking it alternate days for a little while yet. Its up to you but I think its best to taper down as slowly as possible so its not a shock to your system. You say you have been taking 5mg for 6 days now and have had no side effects which is good but after taking if for around two years high levels of the drug will still be in your system and will have barely started to leave your system yet so your your unlikely to feel much difference yet.

If you taper down really really slowly its probably the best way to come off it without any issues but only you know whats best for yourself. Good luck.

20-07-14, 10:23
Are you in a hurry to get off? Because if not why not take 3/4 of your pill for a week, then half, then 1/4?
I have no experience in tapering but it seems to be the best way to go about things. I C/T'd Paroxetine 11 weeks ago and have been very lucky, I feel no different really! But I never got start up side effects either.
Good luck.