View Full Version : breast screening

20-07-14, 08:30
I do feel stupid writing this but thought it might help me I Gogh a letter yesterday an appointment for mamogram it has spoilt my whole weekend and got to go on holiday next week with the dread and worry of going when I get back , I have Had one before which was ok mad the wait for results made me ill and when I got them it took me a day to open it. But this time I'm more worried because I've had pain and soreness in , my left breast for a while and don't check breasts because I'm too scared of finding something so this time I go I'm more scared , now it's spoilt my holiday I won't be able to stop thinking about it , x

20-07-14, 20:01
Hi Jackie, I have been in the same situation so many times. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? Pre holiday was a nightmare for my my HA was on high alarm. I used to arrange appointments etc. way in advance or just after holidays. In fact your post holiday mammogram would not have been such an issue for me. My HA has always been about my boobs and if you read my posts you will see how embedded my HA was. I am on the mend now and always here for support, Lucia.

20-07-14, 21:03
Thanks for your reply luc I'm 55 I know it's a nightmare I don't like tests of any kind but because I've had breast pain a while now and got to go for a mammogram is worrying me but if I don't go I will be just a worried can't win with this ha .x