View Full Version : I need to hear some words of reason right now :-(

20-07-14, 09:55
Right now I don't know if I am more panicked about inhaling gas or mental at myself for actually being so stupid to put myself in that position in the first place, just can't believe i did not realise what was happening.

I was boiling milk and it boiled over, turn the fire out but gas was obviously still on. I was too busy trying to clean the cooker and wondering what is this smell and not realising what it actually was! I just cannot understand how I did not realise, like my brain stopped working. I only inhaled it for a few minutes as my husband came down and was like the gas is on what is going on. I rand out into the garden after turning it off of course to breathe some air and left the door opened since but I am so freaked out. Feel so shaken up and a bit light-headed and worried i am going to pass out. I am trying to tell myself that if I was going to pass out it would have been while I was still inhaling it, but the voice of reason doesn't seem to be working. I did not feel anything until I realised what was actually going on.

I think the worse thing of all is thinking what would have happened if my husband did not come down and just not even believing I could miss what was going on....

I still need to put cooker on again to make some breakfast and I am now scared to.

20-07-14, 11:02
You and me both voice reason. Don't go with us yr right though you will be fine you ave had. Something that made you feel panicky tell me how do I rud my self of mine I fear death all day to a point of not living so mine a thought just like yours but yes was brought on by the gas mine was there the min I opened my eyes the fear is with me all the to e not just worn there is a indecent any way enough on me yr truly fine pinkie promise you xxx

20-07-14, 14:06
you got outside pretty quickly so it shouldn't affect you much are even not at all. You may experience headaches or dizziness but this will stop when more oxygen gets into the blood. The only times when breathing in natural gas is serious is after things like an ongoing gas leak for many days

20-07-14, 15:13
The fact that you were fine until you realized what happened is proof you're fine. A couple of minutes of natural gas exposure will not harm you. It takes an awful lot and a long period of time before you would actually begin to feel the effects or cause you harm. Also, the fact that you didn't feel anything until you realized what happened proves that it's anxiety and your reaction to the situation that is causing any symptoms you're feeling.

Now go make yourself something to eat. An empty stomach is not a good thing when you're anxious ;)

Positive thoughts