View Full Version : Lifelong sufferer - Prozac for the first time!

18-12-06, 14:16
Well ,this is my first post. I have been suffering bouts of health anxiety attacks since late adolescence.Always around dying of cancer -symptoms in every place you can imagine.Back in the sixties they even put me on Stelazine -a bit drastic ,but in those days I don't think they really knew what to do.
Usually these bouts occur every few years -usually when things are going particularly well for me in every other way.It's as if part of my brain needs to sabotage anything good in my life and any possibility of a future.
Had lots of psychotherapy through the years which has helped me through these bouts- sometimes I think they'll never come back -but they always do!
Well now I live in Spain and have a good life .All the more reason for my old enemy to strike with avengeance.It doesn't help that two of my dearest friends died of cancer within a month of each other It's now the first anniversary of that dreadful time. So my latest attack is no doubt linked with all of this and all the more extreme because of it.
A cough and other symptoms convinced me of cancer in the throat,neck ,lungs - you name it .Three visits to the doctor gave assurances that things were not serious and I was not going to die .Firstly she gave me some Alprazolam(xantax in UK I think) to calm me but like so many others of you on this site I managed to twist things and symptoms so that I was still dying.
Yesterday I made the decision that I was going to ask her for a course of anti- depressants which I have never had before.But life is too precious to continue spending it in this miserable wayso I thought I'd go for it.I was quite surprised when she said I should continue with the alprazolam as well because I know they can be addictive.But she said that the state of my mind needed the calming effect of those as well as the Prozac.
So here I am - first 20mg Prozac takenthis morning plus 100mgs+ of the Tranqilizer allso with high hopes, but still of course trying to twist the Doctors words that of course I really am still dying.
Sorry this has been so long but I really felt the need at this point of my life.Any words of advice re. this new drug regime or any support to cheer me on would be much appreciated.
Hello to you all and I hope that some of my words have rung a familiar note for you. ....... Is alcohol REALLY taboo with Prozac?The thought of life without a drink doesn't help I must say.


Ma Larkin
18-12-06, 15:14
Hi Roger,

Welcome to NMP. I came off Prozac about 2 months ago. They were a life-line for me at the time when I needed them, and even though you are advised not to drink with most medication such as these, I never stopped drinking alcohol and didn't even reduce my normal intake. I never had any problems whatsoever. I was also taking Diazepam so was probably pretty much on the same as what you are taking now.

You will always be advised not to drink alcohol when you suffer from any form of anxiety, whether it's general or health anxiety, so it's really up to you what you decide to do. I've never really suffered from hangovers or anything else which alcohol is labelled for, I must be one of the lucky ones lol!!

Hope Spain is warmer than here with no rain!!

Les, xx

18-12-06, 15:41
Hi Roger

Oh how your letter rang a bell, going through exactly same thing, when I,m well I worry that something will go wrong i worry that I,m not worrying,brother in law died a couple of months ago to cancer and his wife also has that bugger, found out just before he died, so like you I constantly think i have the worst disease known to man and then some, any way Dr always says learn to relax and I get so docile when I see him and just go ok, but am seeing hom tomorrow and tell him I need something, as you say life is too short to keep feeling miserable. had a friend on Prozac and used to drink with no adverse effects, so raise a glass to feeling better