View Full Version : Panic attacks after bereavement?

20-07-14, 12:47
Hi there,

I have suffered with anxiety for a few years now but only recently has my body got involved (in the last year). Prior to last year my anxiety seemed to manifest itself in procrastination and very low self esteem.

I had a few very mild panic attacks over a few months (I didn't realise they were panic attacks at the time, my throat just closed up and I felt very sick for a few minutes). I began to get them daily after going to see my grandfather in hospital, and about a month later he passed away very suddenly. From then on I have had almost daily panic attacks that range from mild to fairly severe (I've never hyperventilated but I get hot/cold flushes, tight chest, nausea, dizziness and more recently a feeling of being completely detached).

I also have a phobia of vomit that I have had since childhood, but I've been very preoccupied with since my daily panic attacks started.

I am still processing my grandfather's death but I was wondering if, in anyone's experience, once I have fully accepted his death my panic attacks might stop?

thanks so much!!

20-07-14, 14:39
Hey, sorry to hear that you've had a tough time of it recently. Panic attacks can definitely become worse at a time of heightened stress, which you have experienced of late, so hopefully given time they may ease off.

That said, the best thing I can advise is to not sit there idly waiting for them to sort themselves out - maybe head along and see your doctor? Also, don't forget that we're always here to chat and listen if you need us :)

20-07-14, 14:45
Sorry to hear about your grandmother Hun like dj said we r all here for u to listen to u if u wanna pm me plz feel free :hugs:

20-07-14, 20:08
Hey, sorry to hear that you've had a tough time of it recently. Panic attacks can definitely become worse at a time of heightened stress, which you have experienced of late, so hopefully given time they may ease off.

That said, the best thing I can advise is to not sit there idly waiting for them to sort themselves out - maybe head along and see your doctor? Also, don't forget that we're always here to chat and listen if you need us :)

Thanks for replying! Unfortunately I'm home for summer from university and counselling would be difficult and expensive to sort out here :/ I'm absolutely sorting out counselling once I get back to uni but it's not convenient at the moment.

I definitely fear panic attacks and often they come on because I'm so worried about having them.

help me 21
22-07-14, 00:02
Sorry for your loss, I lost my daughter at 36weeks still born 2weeks ago aver since if had the worse anxiety symptoms ever, blurred vision,misty vision,floaters,headache with back and neck pain. Also chest pains chest feels really tight and depersonalisation its horrible it feels like I'm dying or going mental I'm getting put on some anxiety tablets 2moro hopefully there help here if you want to talk