View Full Version : Panic over a feasters chicken burger

20-07-14, 14:06
I didn't check the mircowave and it was on low so I put a chicken burger in and it didn't cook it was cold but I couldn't reheat it as it had mayo on. Now I am panicking I might get food poisoning and my daughter had one too

20-07-14, 14:13
the feasters burgers are already precooked and just need heating.... they aren't raw, so technically you could eat them cold and you would be fine :)

20-07-14, 14:15
Thanks Venus hubby's just said the same. But I am sure it says on packet make sure the products piping hot

20-07-14, 14:28
It just to say that for the health and safety rules, so if by any chance you got ill (which you won't) you can't sue them lol

20-07-14, 14:32
Thanks Venus I such a pain I know but really can't help it my anxiety had got so bad over the last month I panic over everything like have I locked the door or left the cooker on or Is my daughter ill.

20-07-14, 14:58
I think the weather makes it worse too. you aren't a pain

20-07-14, 14:59
Yes very true ty for saying I am not a pain