View Full Version : Just wanted to introduce myself

20-07-14, 14:31
Hi, i am Danny, i joined this site yesterday, hoping to chat to other people who are in the same boat as me and to find out how they cope with severe social anxiety and panic attacks.
The only other people i have talked to about my anxiety and panic attacks, apart from my immediate family have been medical people, i.e. Docs and Psychiatrists, which did help a bit initially, but I'm hoping that chatting to others with similar problems, who totally understand what i am feeling will help even more and if i can help others in anyway then that would be great to.

20-07-14, 14:47
Hi Danny :welcome: to Nmp hope u find the help u need on this site. It's a very fantastic site. We r all in the same boat I have depression anxiety and emetophobia it's hard at times to carry on. But with help from this site u can carry on

20-07-14, 15:21
Hi Spuder, thank you for the warm welcome. Haven't chatted with anyone here yet but just reading through some of the forum post have helped me already, made me realize that i am not alone and i dont have to suffer in silence, there is lots of people who are willing to try and help on here and if nothing else they understand what i am feeling:smile:

20-07-14, 15:23
You are welcome Danny we r very friendly here. No don't suffer in a silence Hun u can get help here. Good idea to read other posts.

20-07-14, 16:08
Hi Danny welcome I too have social anxiety so no how you feel... I'm sure you will find lots of support on here x

20-07-14, 16:22
Hi Jefferina, and thank you, i have never really spoke with or met anyone else with social anxiety so i really think that NMP will do me the world of good, hope that you are finding all the support and help you need to x