View Full Version : Newbie

20-07-14, 16:35
Hi Everyone, just thought I'd give a little, if not long introduction :)
I'm 23 years old and live in the Uk. I have suffered with social anxiety, severe depression, panic attacks and agoraphobia for the past 10 years. I was always a very shy child, a lot of strangers and family would comment on it to my parents. When I was about 7 there was a lot of arguing and abuse going on in my household and I grew up in a very unstable environment. At 13 I started getting picked on at college and that's when everything started. I dropped out of school and lost all my friends, I missed out on so much and in a way I still think I'm stuck in that mentality of high school. The bullying really affected me and still does. I always think strangers are going to randomly start on me and that everyone thinks the worst of me. I became pretty much house bound. I literally have NO friends. It's been this way since about 16. I rely heavily on my Mum. She does everything for me ie. shopping. I can't talk on the telephone or open the door. My Mum also "talks" for me when I'm in public, I literally go mute and cannot speak to anyone apart from my family. What makes it worse is that my family are very isolated also. We have no one apart from ourselves, they have no friends either. It sounds really strange I know! I honestly don't know if there is anyone else in the same position here?
Right now I only leave the house to walk my dog and even then I need to be driven by my Mum to a secluded location. I haven't had contact with a person apart from my Family since October, and that was only a quick hello from a stranger.
It gets me really down to think that most people my age are living life to the fullest, that's what I want to do but I just feel it's never gonna happen. I've tried CBT but obviously that's hard because I can't talk to strangers.
I feel like I'm a lost cause right now and have gotten into a rut of accepting my life of just existing.

I joined another anxiety forum last night and posted the same thing, I feel I need as much help as possible. I've never spoken openly to people about my problems so this should be interesting.

20-07-14, 16:59
Hi and welcome to the forums... You've already made a positive step by having the courage to sign up and tell us some of your story. Very sorry to hear about everything you've been through - sounds as though you've had (and are still having) a tough time of it.

This is a really friendly and welcoming place, with lots of great people who are always willing to listen and talk, any time.

Hope you manage to find some help and comfort here :)

20-07-14, 17:09
Thanks for the welcome! :) I'm actually quite optimistic and looking forward to meeting/hearing about other people in the same boat, it makes you feel less alone in all of this.

20-07-14, 17:17
Hi Dimplesxo and :welcome: to NMP, by just posting on here, you have taken a massive step in helping yourself overcome your problems, talking and discussing things with people who have been or are at the same place you are, will hopefully help you a lot.
I am new on this site to but have already discovered that there is lots of people willing to help and support you and i sincerely hope that you get all you need.

There is light at the end of every tunnel, you just have to keep on going until you reach it. Sorry that i couldn't be more help, good luck on your journey. x

20-07-14, 17:35
Thanks for the encouraging words and welcome Dannybhoy :yesyes: glad you are enjoying the forum.

20-07-14, 19:09
Welcome from me too, you have made the first step by coming here, everyone is so friendly and helpful and it is good to share experiences.

20-07-14, 20:57
Thanks Ruby13 :byebye:

20-07-14, 21:41
Hi there, I relate a bit to you (I'm alot older than you now), but I had similar problems at a young age (traumatic, unstable home environment as a child; very shy (beyond normal shyness!) and problems with bullying). I didn't become agorophobic, but due to my lack of self-awareness got myself in some difficult situations throughout my twenties and some of my thirties!. So, it's great that you have the self-awareness that you have now; which will only stand you in good stead. So a massive positive. And as others have said, you have made the first step which is really hard to do, so well done! Are you getting any professional help?

20-07-14, 22:26
Hi and welcome :)

I completely relate in many ways with your story. I'm 35 and I have battled with social anxiety since I was very young. I won't answer the door or phone, I have no friends, and I can't even walk up my own road. I have my husband make phone calls for me and I too feel as if my life is passing me by. I had a course of CBT which helped a little bit but my problems are so ingrained I can't imagine ever being free of them.

I hope you get the advice and support you need from the forum, and make some friends along the way.

20-07-14, 23:20
Thanks Zoecat & littlemrs :) I'm not currently having professional treatment. In the past I've seen quite a few therapists but because I can't talk much it doesn't really go anywhere. I have been actually thinking of getting help , whether that be CBT again or medication. I guess that is a big step in its self.