View Full Version : Anxiety on waking

20-07-14, 16:54
I am always worse upon waking and my heart thumps, I sweat profusely and I am convinced I am going to have a heart attack.

I have has ECG's at home, by paramedic, and also at hospital, when the paramedic took me. My blood pressure was raised and had palpitations. Now on beta blockers and waiting for appointment at cardiology clinic. My ECG was fine! except when having palpitations. But I am still convinced there is something wrong with my heart but know they would have treated me whilst in the hospital.

I just wish I could control these anxiety attacks. Also having stress counselling, which is informative. I just burst into tears this morning as I have had enough now.

21-07-14, 15:06
I can relate.... I've been waking up directly into severe panic attacks the past week. Now, I can't even get back to bed because the one I had at 1:30 this morning had kept me up every since. 28 hours awake....... Anxious as all hell.

21-07-14, 19:02
Sorry to hear that Wintear, it is so frightening when that happens. ((( hugs )))

22-07-14, 16:31
It's really really common, so you are both not alone. so it's a very common symptom of anxiety. hopefully that will reduce the tendency to personalise the symptom.

one reason why it's worse in the morning is because your body is so sensitized (stressed and over-reactive to stimulation - like when you've had a bad day at work!). so when you open your eyes you immediately get an influx of sensory information which can be a little startling when you are sensitized. It's an automatic bodily reaction. But you make it worse by expecting it, thinkings about it, analysing it, and worrying about it! that just adds more adrenaline to perpetuate the feelings.

22-07-14, 16:38
Thank you for the explanation, I just hope it stops soon though.

Mrs Panda
23-07-14, 09:09
I know how you feel Ruby13...when my anxiety was at its worst I would dread going to sleep because I would dread waking up in a panic with my heart thumping and feeling like I was going to die. It's the most awful feeling ever! I've had just about all the heart tests and everything was always good, but I was still terrified when it happened. Who would have thought that a surge of adrenaline could be so damn scary hey? Because that's all it is....and yet we are so scared of it. It does get better though :)

23-07-14, 22:46
Hi Mrs.Panda, yes, it is scary and, even though we know why it happens, it is frightening when it does. I try not to think of it on waking, but it just overtakes me. Ho, hum, I just wait for the " getting better" part now. :-)

Mrs Panda
24-07-14, 14:51
Is there something you can have next to your bed to distract you when you first wake up? ....like a book, or an iPad with positive affirmations to listen to or a TV? Just a thought :)

25-07-14, 22:51
Is there something you can have next to your bed to distract you when you first wake up? ....like a book, or an iPad with positive affirmations to listen to or a TV? Just a thought :)

Providing I do not waken too early, I put the radio on. If it is too early I don't want to disturb hubby. :yesyes:

26-07-14, 13:30
I'm going through this at the moment only I wake up feeling numb and tingly in my limbs and my vision's distorted. A month ago I was fine and loved sleeping. Now it's got to the point where I dread going to bed because waking up is so traumatic.

Also when I go to sleep I get this electric wave vertigo type sensations just before I drop off to sleep that jolts me awake. It's terrifying. I struggle to accept that anxiety alone can cause this if I'm honest.

26-07-14, 16:11
Hi Amanda18 I also sometimes get distorted vision too, it is very frightening when we are overtaken by these symptoms, have you chatted with your doctor about your anxiety, mine is very helpful and I am now going to stress counselling. I still get anxiety but now I know what causes these symptoms. I still get them and still panic but know I am not alone.

26-07-14, 17:01
I know it feels like i have no control over my body anymore :( very scary. Yeah i have talked about it and I'm looking into therapy. Google actually works pretty well (for a change) for finding people who have the same things happening to them so you don't feel so alone. It all seemed to happen so suddenly. I feel like i'm goin mad! Have your symptoms got a lot better?

26-07-14, 17:13
Hi Ruby, yes I have terrible anxiety some mornings, especially when woken up suddenly by the alarm whilst in the middle of an intense dream. I get that heart pounding feeling and feel my heart or head (or both) will burst. It can take a long time to calm down again. I don't know how we can deal with it, it is another mountain to climb in anxious disorders but I'm fairly certain that sharing with others who relate is taking a positive and calming step.

Here anytime.

28-07-14, 12:01
over the last few days i have had terrible anxiety when i wake up, so you are not alone in this. I'm sure it will pass, although I'm still waiting to feel better, I think for me my anxiety comes from work and from intrusive thoughts and anticipating both and waiting for it to start.. its hard but at least we are not alone i suppose!

29-07-14, 23:17
I find some mornings are better than others, but no idea why. I try to regulate my breathing and try to relax, it does not always work though. It is good to know that we are not alone in our symptoms.

01-08-14, 10:22
I have the same, and what makes it worse when l wake up too early and then just lie there in the dark thinking why l am thinking like this and what is causing it, and why l have this terrible thoughts and feelings?
I tried eating something just before bed, thinking maybe l might be hungry,but that wasn't the cause of waking too early. Really l don't care if l wake up early, l just don't want to have these gloomy scary thoughts. In the past few mornings, l have been okay, but one morning last week, l woke really early and had the worst thought of doom and gloom, it was truley terrible and l scared myself so much.
I have now got my iphone next to my bed, and l have some calming sounds and music and that does help, but now l just need to find some comfortable headphones.

01-08-14, 10:58
It does help to know we are not alone in these symptoms, but it would be great to know how to break the cycle. Hugs to everyone.

01-08-14, 12:26
it would be great to know how to break the cycle.

Hi Ruby,

Sorry to see that your struggling. You can break the cycle. You're in stress counseling which is a step in the right direction.

Positive thoughts