View Full Version : Just put deposit on new puppy

20-07-14, 17:21
Oh no just put a deposit on a new puppy and now feel really anxious. This has happened before with my other past dogs and when I was pregnant. The whole needy, responsibility thing is scary. The thing is I am a dog behaviour therapist (along with my day job) and I am hoping the training will help career wise.
I don't think I will sleep tonight and I am thinking of pulling out even though I just gave them £100 and will loose it.
Any suggestions/similar experiences?

20-07-14, 17:28
Watch puppy videos on Youtube and get a big dose "Awwwww" medicine.
And remember... you get 10X the love you give from a pet :)

Positive thoughts

20-07-14, 17:46
Enjoy it, think of the unconditional love you're going to receive.

What exactly is it you're scared of?

20-07-14, 18:16
I agree with the others, also so you don't have to go onto YouTube to find an "Awww" video (which I still recommend along with Fishmanpa) Here in the attachment is my 11 Week old Saluki.

Good luck :D

20-07-14, 18:44
Anything remotely life changing causes normal anxiety as it changes your routine, attitude and lifestyle. I was incredibly nervous getting married because I was committing my life to one person, same when I moved from Kent to London because it was like moving to a different world with different ways of life! Yes, getting a new puppy will be life changing, you will have to change your habits and routines, but to be committed to a new being that will love you unconditionally will be well worth it!

20-07-14, 18:56
What lovely replies, thank you so much for your support everyone, you are all so lovely. I will try and sleep on it tonight and see how I feel tomorrow. Where you ok when you got your puppy lunaliuna?

20-07-14, 19:23
Where you ok when you got your puppy lunaliuna?

To be honest with you, she (Theia) has given me more help than any psychiatrist ever has. Yes at times she's caused some extra anxiety like for instance when she uses the cat as toy. But having her to focus on rather than my problems has truly changed my life for the better.

I hope your puppy will benefit you in a similar way :)

20-07-14, 19:33
Yep I agree with the others too, I go on youtube to watch 'Awww' videos. I have a dog :) I would love to get another dog, eventually.

They're so loving and affectionate, my dog really helps me cope with my anxiety and when I have bad days. I was feeling anxious before we got our dog but you'll soon feel more happy than anxious, plus you'll have a new friend in your life and a new family member :wink:

The day we brought our puppy home was one of the most memorable and happy days of my life. I wish I could rewind back to that day :)

20-07-14, 20:13
Hi nursegreenwhippet I understand what your saying they are a big responsibility ,so make sure you know what you really want ,the thing I will say is my anxiety was so bad then I got my little alfie ,it was the best thing I could of done ,he has helped me so so much ,without him my anxiety would be still sky high he is my little saviour ,they are so calming and always there for you when no one else is wish you well xx

20-07-14, 20:35
This is a link to just one of many posts about the same thing so you are not alone. You may get some help from reading them http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=34189&highlight=anxiety+pet
I was the same when I got my new kitten but a year and a half later he means everything to me, snuggled up with me now as I type :)

20-07-14, 22:05
I'm actually going through the same thing right now, except I already have the pup. He's a little Spaniel mix who adores me but seems wary of all others. About 6 years ago I brought a Sheltie puppy home that ended up being very fearful and fear aggressive (she has since passed) and every puppy since has me stressing that it will go the same route. Not entirely practical - but then, my anxieties almost never are. I keep reminding myself that when I brought home my terrier mix puppy 3 years ago, I was just as afraid and actually really didn't like her until she was about 8 months old and I felt like I knew her better (and I knew she was a good-hearted dog). I'm an animal lover, so my mixed feelings I feel like don't go with my personality or values at all...which makes the anxiety worse!

Anyway - just breathe. Be sure to take lots of time for you. The good thing is that if you've selected a good breeder, you'll have the support you need in case anything goes wrong AND you'll know that your puppy has a good, solid temperament because you'll know the parents. As a trainer/behaviorist, you'll have ample opportunities to socialize your pup as well, so you're already set up for success. There's a lot of sleep lost, but it's worth it in the end (as I keep telling myself). :smile:

21-07-14, 08:51
Thank you Annie and everyone for your kind words, it is really helpful. I slept well last night but I think its because I know there is still a way out at the moment if I change my mind. Both my partner and my 9 year old daughter are - oops I hit the italics button! supportive. We already have an old whippet and a yorkie that are both wonderful. I want a dog that I can use by behaviour/training work with and dobe's really are big softees at heart but responsive to training.
Unfortunately I see dogs all the time that have behaviour issues and also breed related health issues so always see all the things that can go wrong. I know how dogs minds work and this is not always a good thing as it spoils the 'sugar coated' views we have like 'they do it to please us' (they don't) etc. ...yes I know im thinking too much but I have to for my job.
I will try and stick with it as I don't really want to give in so you may hear from me again xxx

21-07-14, 13:48
Thank you Annie, I can see others have had issues too.
I feel a bit better about it today, although that may be because I know its not set in stone yet and I can still pull out and just loose the deposit - which will be small compared with the total cost and next 10-12 yrs of doggydom.
However I don't want to give in to my anxiety and know I will make a really good owner. Im used to dogs (we already have a whippet that is 13 and a yorkie that is 4). I have not long qualified as a dog behaviour therapist and unfortunately this means I always see the situation when it has gone wrong - also work in vets so see the down side of things a lot.
I really feel I need a big dog (the puppy is a Doberman) so I can prove to myself and others that I can train and have a well behaved large breed. I know I can do it but the anxiety is killing me, I am all over the place today, keep forgetting stuff and feel dissociated with reality.
My partner and 9 nyr old daughter are supportive but I must drive them mad at times and this makes me feel guilty. We are going on holiday on Saturday so I may just be able to forget about it until I get back.
Thanks for all your support and I will let everyone know what happens!

---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------

Hi Poppy and thank you for your reply. You really seem to understand my predicament. Like you I often do not love my dogs straight away, it takes time and I am worried in case I don't bond with the dog or if she doesn't like me. It took me ages to bond with my daughter - she is great now but I had a hard time when she was a baby. This is strange because like you I am an animal lover and also like to take care of things - weird isn't it. I adore my 13 yr old whippet and she is so lovely with me too but I am worried that when she goes I wont have the guts to get another dog and start all over again.
Sorry to hear about your sheltie. I too had a similar experience with a Chihuahua. She was only 2 when I had her put to sleep as she had a brain issue and became very aggressive. This has affected me more than I thought it would and I did say I would never have another dog after that. But time heals and here I am again !!