View Full Version : Panic all day

20-07-14, 17:23
So I went to sleep last night feeling tight in the cheat and nauseous. Woke up and the same feeling came back. Been panicking all day that I'm having a heart attack and the icky chest feelings just won't go. Literally been sitting on the floor all day afraid to move. Anyone else had a day like this?

20-07-14, 23:07
Hi Freaked,

I've certainly had days like this. I had a very bad bout of this maybe two weeks ago, and my own panic made it the whole ordeal last about 3/4 days. I thought I was dying, that there was something wrong with my heart and with my lungs. This is in actuality quite a normal thing to experience as a side effect of anxiety and panic attacks, though when they are happening it is very difficult to think anything other than 'oh my god, I'm dying'.

If this happens again 1) try to control your breathing (deep, comfortable breathes and then try to elongate them to say in for 4 seconds and then out for 8).
2) distract yourself e.g. I play some guitar or sing along to music, try to really immerse yourself as much as possible in to something you enjoy.
3) If you can let out gas then go for it. I don't know exactly why this helps but I remember reading about it when I had my episode, and I was certainly gassy and I believe it helped to some degree.

But yeah, chest tightness is brought on by anxiety so you can't stop them completely without treating the underlying problem, but once you get to grips with the core problem you should see the chest pains/tightness get a lot better.

20-07-14, 23:30
I've been fighting this on/off all day, I really feel for you. I know it sucks that with anxiety you jump to the worst conclusion possible :( *hugs*

21-07-14, 05:52
Freaked, this was me a few weeks ago. Definitely been there too.

Those feelings in your heart are one of the worst panic symptoms aren't they. So scary.

A few weeks down the track and I feel better. I bet you will do.
Keep breathing deeply. Keep trying to distract yourself. You will get through this.

Mrs Panda
21-07-14, 06:30
Yes, I often have days like this....exactly like you have described! Sometimes I will just sit almost frozen in the same spot for an hour or more just from fear.

Today I took some magnesium in the morning and listened to positive affirmations on YouTube and I feel like a different person. I feel lighter and more relaxed :)

Sometimes small changes in your daily routine can really make a big difference.

21-07-14, 21:12
I feel for you as I too have had numerous days like this. I try to take deep breaths and listen to calming music.

21-07-14, 22:07
Having exactly the same feelings at the moment - tight throat, sticky catarrh, insides feel tight and burning and can't seem to get a deep breath, stuffy nose due to heat and humidity.

Happens all the time when I'm anxious - and I've had a few trials this last week - you just need, as everyone else has said, to untense yourself, take a deep breath, walk around until it eases off. I wouldn't normally advocate a stiff drink to ease the tension, but sometimes a teaspoon of brandy in hot water with a little sugar will help 'switch off' the feeling and bring up the gas which is probably pushing up in your stomach and causing the 'icky heart' sensations.