View Full Version : Scared to go to college!

20-07-14, 20:14
Hey! It's been a year since I first posted here.
To sum things up, I've recovered a lot since last summer, I've had a couple of setbacks and I'm currently going through another one but not as bad as the last two, I just feel kinda depressed about life but I'm sure I'll eventually feel better :yesyes:

My real problem now is:
I just finished highschool. I was always VERY EXCITED about going to college before my anxiety kicked in. Since then, I became very confused about my life choices, and now I want to study something very different that what I wanted to study before this all started, and it took me a long time to decide. But! The course I want to take is in a city one hour away from mine. It's isn't that much but I can't drive and of course my parents won't drive me there every day.

...so I have to move out!
And that's not very common to happen in my country as it is in North America. Only a few people move out for college. And I can't even join the Univercity rooms because they don't allow pets and I'll have to bring mine!
So I'll have to rent a house of my own...

- I don't know how to cook.
- I hate being alone.
- I find that my anxiety is worse when I'm alone or bored.
- I'll be away from my parents, out of my safety zone, I'm scared my panic attacks might come back! I haven't had one since the first one I had that triggered all this.

And I am currenly going off meds. I JUST CAN'T go back to stage 0. I want to be free of anxiety and lead a normal, happy and relaxed life... but I'm so scared that might not happen :weep:

20-07-14, 20:31
Hi, first off congratulations on finishing high school and how exciting for you having your future ahead of you.

As you say it's an hour away, it's not that far to travel once a week. Can/would your parents come and stay with you for the first few nights? That way it would help you settle into your new place. I wouldn't worry about not being able to cook, you'll pick it up. Start off with meals you just have to heat up and then experiment. As for the loneliness and boredom I'm sure there'll be plenty of societies to join, or can you get a job, or go home at the weekends.

Also I'm sure the universities will have support for new students so have a look at their website for their services.

You can do this, it's scary but you can.

20-07-14, 22:08
While I think what you're doing is very brave, college is actually a lot of fun. I just graduated, and I wish I could go back!

My advice would be to get a house in a college neighborhood where other students are. You'll meet people just walking your dog, and you'll be able to pop into parties and whatnot. Ask friends up for weekends and go out together. Join a LOT of clubs early on - you'll instantly notice other freshmen with the same interests and be able to strike up conversations. If you have time for a part time job, that's a good chance to meet people as well. You will network and meet people and that is the hardest part - after that, college is just studying and having fun.

21-07-14, 19:36
When I was younger, I had to go away to College for one year. I didn't want to go but had to for my job as they wanted to train me higher and I had to do the foundation course first. I stayed with a family who prepared my meals in the week. At the weekends I could either go home or fend for myself but they let me use the kitchen. I think it was called "Homestay".

I lived two hours away, so I did a bit of both. If I had lived one hour away, I probably would have gone home every weekend (if I had the money!).

I enjoyed it. The house had 8 rooms let out and I made some new friends. However, it was also easy to close my door if I wanted some peace and quiet.

I'm not sure how that works with pets but here in the UK renting a house with a pet is difficult too. People seem anti-pets, but the USA may be more generous.

Good luck.

21-07-14, 20:05
- I don't know how to cook.
- I hate being alone.
- I find that my anxiety is worse when I'm alone or bored.
- I'll be away from my parents, out of my safety zone.

- most students don't.... You can learn, or live off of ready meals (like most students!) :)
- there will be other students looking for a place outside of the campus, so maybe you can look to share. Also, you're going to make so many new friends and acquaintances - I'll bet you'll hardly be alone at all!
- see last point
- see last point + you're not moving that far away, so you know that they are in easy reach if you ever need them

Good luck - you'll have an amazing time! :D

21-07-14, 21:48
I had the same worries as you:

- I don't know how to cook.
You don't need to be a whizz. Get a student cook book, they have tons of easy meal ideas. In time you'll be making be all sorts! It's part of the experience.

- I hate being alone.
- I find that my anxiety is worse when I'm alone or bored.
You won't be alone and you certainly won't be bored! You'll meet your roommates, classmates and loads of cool people at Freshers. You'll be so busy partying and studying that you won't be bored!

- I'll be away from my parents, out of my safety zone, I'm scared my panic attacks might come back! I haven't had one since the first one I had that triggered all this.
As above, you'll be so busy that you won't be bored, therefore anxiety and panic attacks will subside. Don't think 'What if I get a panic attack?' or 'I will have a panic attack!' as that is how they often start, instead think 'I won't get a panic attack!'

Good luck with your studies, you'll make some awesome friends, contacts and memories!