View Full Version : New kid on the block, GAD+hyprochondriac

20-07-14, 22:44
Hey everyone,

my name is Alan and I'm a 22 year old commis chef, this is the first forum I've ever joined as the thought of them terrifies me (I figured No More Panic was probably the most fitting forum to pop my cherry) here's a little bit about me and my worries...

I have severe social anxiety and I am a hypochondriac. As this is only the introduction page I don't want to write too much about those here. To a certain degree I can live with those anxieties, unlike my primary fear..

The main anxiety that has dominated my life for, mainly, the past year revolves around what is going on in the world. Everything in the news terrifies me i.e. what is going at the moment with Russia is causing havoc in my mind. I developed a hypersensitivity to loud noises maybe two years ago (particularly low booming registers), I constantly fear for nuclear war and I really can't handle things like planes flying overhead. It's got to the point now where I have this unshakeable sense of dread hanging over me at all times, and I find it difficult to feel safe and secure in my home. I get up to look through the window if anything makes me flinch (which is usually cars, trains, plains etc.)

Anyway, I just wanted to get that off of my chest and to speak to like-minded folk and hopefully help others out too. I'm going to post this before I over-think and edit too much. :huh:

21-07-14, 00:05
Hey Alan, welcome to the site - it's a lovely place full of great people. Hopefully you can find some information and comfort here :)

Hope you've had a great weekend!