View Full Version : Small white blister, or skin cancer? pleas help!!!

20-07-14, 23:31
so I am freaking out about this lump/spot on my leg, yesterday i got a bad sunburn on my leg and i noticed it come up? I haven't noticed it before,my mum says its a blister, but can you get just one blister? I thought they came up in little tiny dots, its not itchy or bleeding or anything, im going to make a doctors apt tomorrow early so i will be able to go on that day, but i was wondering what is normal and whats not with blisters, can you get just one on a big-ish area?
please help im 16 and my HA is going to keep me up all night with this!!!
thank you for reading!

20-07-14, 23:34
You normally just get one blister and not loads of them.

It won't be skin cancer but getting sunburn is not a good idea. Did you not have any sunscreen on?

21-07-14, 00:11
oh phew that's good news, and no the thing is i was on a beach and it was really breezy i hardly felt the sun at all, it was pretty bad luck getting burnt but i diddnt feel like i would need sunscreen, im normally against getting any sort of tan through the sun, but since my doctor said i need more vitamin d, I've been trying to stay in it, its a bit of a nightmare lol, thank you for replying!

21-07-14, 00:17
Definitely doesn't sound like any kind of skin cancer to me, so I think you can sleep easy :) Get the doctor to check it out though if you are really worried - obviously we're not medical professionals.

Take care of yourself.. Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight.

21-07-14, 00:45
thanks, its not a perfect round spot, its like a c shape, its just putting me on edge, i don't know what a normal sunburn blister looks like, can you get weird shape ones?

21-07-14, 00:54
Blisters can take any shape, I've had blisters from sun burn before. In scotland would you believe. Make sure you wear sun screen/find shade in the future.

21-07-14, 01:02
thank you all for your replies, im feeling more calm about it now, and this will make me be much more careful in the sun from now on... haha

21-07-14, 02:01
Its common for skin to blister from sunburns it no different from setting your arm on fire. Don't pop the blister and put a dry bandage over it to protect it.