View Full Version : Panicing over fear of humans

21-07-14, 11:18
Hi everyone
I Suffer severely from OCD and about how there is so many germs in the air.
The thing is that im scared of people. I could be walking down a street and if a person was walking the opposite direction on the same path as me i would try to cross the road . If the road is to busy and the person has to pass me i would be nearly in tears and shaking and everything. I think the person who passes me wants to hurt or kill me. It sounds stupid but its actually quite scary. I even get nightmares about it. Between my OCD and my fear of people i hate being outside.
Does anyone had anything similar or know what it is ?
Any advice would be great ?
Best wishes
Aya x

21-07-14, 12:00
I don't like people walking behind me in flip flops or high heels that starts my panic attacks off

21-07-14, 13:36
I worry a lot when walking around about those people around me and whether they are going to try and start trouble or say something, so I can understand where you are coming from there.

It's very difficult and to be honest I don't know what the answer is, as I haven't really had much treatment myself yet. Are you receiving any help for your condition?

21-07-14, 14:08
Hi there
I'm on a waiting list for CBT at the moment. It shouldn't be much longer because i got moved down the list as i have an eating disorder.
Aya x

21-07-14, 16:07
Well, hopefully that will help you make sense of your fears and worries and start to make them more manageable on a day to day basis. Whatever happens, remember that we're always here to listen and talk if you need us :)