View Full Version : Needing anxiety guidance!

21-07-14, 13:34
Hi all,

Just joined this forum after having a terrible few weeks with anxiety which stemmed from a few nights' bad sleep but I know there are a few underlying problems too.

At the moment I am unable to fall asleep or stay asleep for more than a few hours which is making my anxiety levels in the day go through the roof. Here's how I feel and you can probably identify with it:

- Like I'll never sleep properly again
- World seems familiar but different - foggy
- Slightest challenges make me anxious
- Feeling I'm doomed to stay like this forever
- Embarrassed to talk about with friends and family
- Nausea and lacking energy
- Why is everyone else normal and not suffering?
- Would do anything to feel like me again

The GP has just prescribed my 50mg Lustral which I hear helps to level out the irrational anxiety levels but they're tough at first with side effects and increased anxiety.

I'm willing to take that on to get well again.

I'm hoping to people out there understand and can empathise!

Thanks for reading...

21-07-14, 14:49
Hi David, sorry to hear that you're feeling like this at the moment, but welcome to the site... You've already made a positive step in signing up and making your first post. This is a great place full of lovely people - hope you can find some help and encouragement here :)

21-07-14, 15:11
Thank you for the kind message - I'm happy to share my experiences and remedies with everyone as I've realised what a powerful thing anxiety can be.

I'm particularly interested to hear about peoples' experiences of SSRI medications such as Lustral and relaxation techniques before sleep.

Best Wishes.

21-07-14, 21:07
Hi David 2219, I can't help you with the 'Lustral', but maybe be able to help with relaxation before sleep. Not saying they will work for you, but it certainly helped me.
Relaxation CD's playing in your bedroom, leave them playing in the background until you fall asleep.
Yoga, only the gentle exercises that help the breathing and release the bad toxins in the body. I normally spend 10 mins before going to bed.
Breathing exercises; counting 5 in through the nose and 8 through the mouth, paying attention to use the abdomen in this one. (Can make you a little dizzy if you do to many).
A little Praery every night helps me. Wasn't religious before I got Anxiety, but when you are in pain you change your thoughts to anything for relief.
A self gentle massage along the top of the shoulders; (the internet can help you with a visual on this).
Drinking a glass of water just before you go to bed, apparently is good for the Heart.
Rubbing your tummy in a circular fashion very gently helps to calm the stomach.
Watch something funny on TV. (Probably the hardest to do, as it's all Thriller's, Murder's and Drama, but laughing has been proven to decrease Anxiety.
If I can think of anything else, I will add to another post. Hope this helps a bit.:)

22-07-14, 15:06
Thanks Carnation some very useful tips there - I'll definitely try these out. Sometimes modern society isn't geared for good sleep every night so we have to prepare properly for it like anything else - easy to forget that!

22-07-14, 16:03
Hi David
Welcome to the site.
I can relate to all of those symptoms,so you're not on your own.
Plenty of others on here will too.
Hope you find help and support here,I'm sure you will
Take care :)