View Full Version : Me Again! (Sorry)

21-07-14, 14:47

Me again.

I've been a lot better lately thank god.

I've recently been having pains in my lower right abdomen and center of my abdomen again, and of course my mind immediately thinks it's appendicitis.

It's been going on for two days now, and all I can think back to is last time I had this fear and google'd about it. I found that doctors often misdiagnosed.

My other concern (slightly grotesque, sorry).
I have a lump on my anus (doctor told me that it was a hemorrhoid about 2 months ago.

It's still there and has gotten harder and occasionally produces blood onto the tissue (Im really sorry for the description :P).

I'm not worried that this lump, linked with the abdominal pain could be bowel cancer. I know thats an extremely long shot, but my mind is convinced.

Sorry guys, I really am. I wish I could just stop worrying

21-07-14, 14:57
I find that we dwell, and I have had the same issues (both the right side pain and the blood). I had a CT scan and it showed the right side pain was nothing. Also had a colonscopy and exam and it showed the blood was nothing but the hemorrhoid. They are SUPER common and the most common cause for blood.

Ya know I never did find out what caused the right side pain, still get it to this day at times but it was so consuming at one point. The more we think of it, the worse we are LOL!

Could even be IBS which can cause discomfort. Again, totally harmless and common.

I get the same exact thing as you!!