View Full Version : Boy at school was sick near me

21-07-14, 16:43
I work in a primary school and one of the children started throwing up during the morning. I had to go over and help him of course...I thought he had finished being sick but then he threw up again while I was standing near him. I'm worried some of the germs have gone into my mouth or nose and will make me unwell.

I'm going away on holiday this Saturday and I really don't want to be ill for that :(

What's the likelihood?

21-07-14, 18:13
Well, not to make you feel any worse, but you do work in a primary school, which isn't the best of places if you are going worry about germs! Kids are always passing coughs and colds around to one another, so I guess in general you are more likely to pick up a bug. From him being sick though, it really isn't any different to having a child coughing or sneezing around you, so I wouldn't worry any more than usual :)

Hope you have a lovely holiday - where are you going? (sorry being nosy!)

21-07-14, 19:12
Depends what made him sick really. If it was something like food poisoning or whatever else there's very little chance it'll affect you, if it was some form of virus it may well do. Transitory things like that affect us all every year, don't worry about it.

21-07-14, 22:16
I understand your fear as I have a phobia of vomiting. As Serenity says, it depends why he was sick - could have been the heat or something. I also work in schools and last November a boy threw up next to me and I had to home I was in such a state. I was on edge for 48 hours but didn't catch it. It's a short incubation period for a sickness virus so look on the bright side, even if you catch it, you will be over it by Saturday. Enjoy your holiday.