View Full Version : hiya :)

21-07-14, 18:45
My name is Andrea, and im here because i feel i need some reassuring help
I have a terrible antibiotic fear due to anaphylaxis and i have been prescribed some and i have just taken one, i am terrified :(
This fear has has escalated over the years to being fearful of which foods i eat, to which products i cleanse with, hair dyes, and anything i think may cause a reaction, doctors are not very helpful
i have numerous illnesses that don't help..maybe someone talking to me can

21-07-14, 19:53
Hi Andrea, welcome to the site!

Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time of it - this is a great place full of very welcoming people. I hope you can find some help and comfort here :)

21-07-14, 20:04
Hiya DJ :)
Thanks, lovely to meet you, the panic has passed now, tried to keep busy but its just so overwhelming sometimes, i will be ok till the next one, and i have a while course to take *feeling dread* lol

21-07-14, 20:08
Well don't worry - a lot of us know exactly what you are going through. There's a lot of helpful information here - I haven't been a member that long either, but have already been helped so much :)

Don't forget: we're always around if you need to chat or for someone to listen.