View Full Version : I think I'm depressed

21-07-14, 22:29
I just realised I've wasted two and a bit years out of my life thinking I have lymphoma ( still scared btw)

but now I feel like my anxiety has spread . I'm finding myself more anxious about everyday things such as being with large groups of people , flying , when my friends don't text me back ..,

This is ridiclous I feel like I'm spiralling out of control . I really want to get my life on track !

Can anyone help me ?

22-07-14, 01:46
Hi Gem,

We can make all the suggestions in the world but this is just an internet forum. No one is in a position to offer professional counseling and this is not the medium to do so. Ultimately and realistically, seeking professional help in the form of therapy, CBT, meds or a combination is in order. Obviously, based on what you're saying, intervention is needed to help get you out of the spiral. Two years is an awfully long time to be in fear of something that's not happening :(

Positive thoughts.

22-07-14, 03:03
The first step to getting your life back on track is making the call to see your doctor or a counselor. I have had that feeling before ... like where I don't recognize who I am anymore, as it has spiraled like that. Two years is a long time, but in the grand scheme of things it's not that long and you can change things! You can get the rest of your life back still :)