View Full Version : marijuana triggered anxiety on me.

21-07-14, 23:21
Hey what up guys. I just wanted to share my experience with you. I think is good to know that there are people like you fighting against this sh*t.

So here we go.

I'm a 18 year old student. I used to have social anxiety(get nervous. Specially talking to good looking girls, Sweat a lot, shy Etc) so i was with some friends and they offered me marijuana. I accepted and take a little blunt for the first time in my life (friend told me it was less than a gram on it) I was smoking it in a park, probably I took 2 hits and then I saw one police and eat the weed raw lol, stupid I know, it felt good, I arrived at home 3 hours later and everything was pretty normal, so i had lunch because i was pretty hungry and after i finished eating I remember I was watching a soccer game with my father but suddenly I felt like I was going to faint, my head was shaking, i felt pressure on my eyes and ears, my jaw was numb, i got so scared, I told my friend by facebook what was happening to me and he said that i was having a bad trip, so I think it would go away if I started to do exercise, so I ran as fast as I could and i felt so light that I thought I was flying lol, so scary. I felt so bad that i threw up to feel better, and took a cold shower, that was the day I smoked, i thought that it would go away the following day but the following day i realised i wasn't feeling the same.

The first week I felt bad that i couldn't go to school, I was always in my room, I didn't leave it i tried to relax but thoughts of have anxiety and live the way I was feeling were terrible to me, I didn't want to eat, I had trouble sleeping, my hands and legs were numb while sleeping etc.

My second week
I went to see the doctor, mom and I always have trust in him, it was homeopathy but I startet to feel a little bit better now i could go to school,
But when I left home thinking I was a 80 percent recovered I felt bad because outside didn't felt the same, everything looked different, and I noticed that everyday there was an attack on me that made me feel even disconnected than i felt but it calmed down, i continued having trouble sleeping but I always slept 7 hours.. I started noticing my eyes were kind of tired.

Third week.
This week I felt better, but I started worrying about my eyes, I started to see a lot of floaters and I began searching, so I knew that floaters were symptoms of possibly blindness.. this was hard I started worrying more, so I went to the eye doctor and got an examination, she told me everything was alright but i had a slight vitreous detachment or something like that due to severe stress or lift heavy weights ( i love weighlifting and had gone to the gym constantly for a year and I also love nutrition but in fact that didn't caused me the floaters, i think the stress about my bad trip did. She told me to use prednisone but i started searching again and i found that prednisone could have side effects such as glaucona and this can lead to blindness.. so i was scared of taking the medicine, i fact I didnt take it, I decided to wait for a week to see if my eye tiredness and floaters go away but i felt slightly worse

Fourth week
At this time I told the eye doctor thatvi didnt take the eye drops because fear and everything, and i told her that ive had changes in vision the last night (i got a little bit scared too) I was seeing halos around lights and had blurred vision for moments after i blinked it would go away but i was sure i was focusing a lot on my sight, so i knew that was a kind of anxiety, my eyes stil felt like they had something inside of them, so de doctor told me that i was panicking, that I had dry eyes and prescribed me some artificial tears.

5th week (NOW)
I feel better, but the idea about my eyes doesn't go i feel like i need to look for a second opinion, my eyes felt better now, they aren't tired, i didnt see blurry anymore but sometimes i keep worrying, sometimes i felt like little flashes which i really dont know if they are real or im just imagining them, i think im a little paranoid, u havent seen a flash but sometimes i feel like i have lol, i know this is freaky.
But now I can sleep 8 hours without problem but maybe i wake up slightly worry for noments but im resting, I can manage my worries and I can eat much better, Numbness is going away, but my only worries are that Im still feeling strange and sometimes i get discomfort in my head when I lie down in bed while watching t.v
I dont want to take medication because id love to beat it myself and also i fear the withdrawals of medicines
How you see it

Hope all if us get better.
God bless you

My thit

22-07-14, 16:14

Eating weed is different to smoking it. It becomes a different drug when digested and much more powerful. It makes you very painfully self aware and panic attacks are common.

Your eyes sound fine. Try not to worry. Just forget them. I'm pretty sure they'll still be working next year. Like you say, you just started worrying about them that's all.

You had a freek out after eating weed that's all. It's really common after eating it. You're in good company. It's hard to unsee what you've seen. Just put it down to having your mind broadened that's all. You know what eating weed feels like now.

You've felt normal way longer than you've felt freaked out off eating weed so normal will return the longer you stay straight and do your normal things.

Don't let it freek you out and worry you. Nothing's damaged, you just saw things different temporarily that's all.

I'd put it out of your mind as soon as possible and get back doing what you used to do.

It'll have affected you more because of your anxious disposition to start with. They tend to make you hyper aware of yourself and your existing issues.

Forget it.

I'm sure the memories of it will get weaker and weaker as time goes by. So hurry it along by not thinking anymore about it. Put it in your mental bin. Then carry on doing what you did before. Think what you used to think about. Enjoy what you enjoyed.