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View Full Version : Really bad anxiety re health right now!

21-07-14, 23:56
I am having such a baaad time. I posted a few days ago. Got a UTI and prescriped cipro. Didn't want to take it as I have ME/CFS and already have tendon issues - including ahcilles tendonitis in one foot. But doc said it only other drug other than going into hospital and getting IV.

So I took it. Anyway have started having some foot pain on my heels - both of them - as well as shooting pains. I also feel crazy emotionally and am having terrible nightmares and waking up covered in sweat. I had only one pill left tonight and have taken it on advice of doc who said had taken five so should as well take last one so as not to become resistant or allergic to yet another antibiotic.

I have taken the last one and am freaking out. I am soo soo scared. This thing doesn't have side effects that stop once you stop taking it. Some people can have them months after and they can get worse even after you stop so I am going to spend days or weeks on tenterhooks waiting to see if mine subside or I am one of the unlucky ones whose whole health falls apart! I am really scared.

22-07-14, 03:16
I'm sure it will subside. People only post on the internet when they have a bad reaction, not a good one.

I had a very similar reaction to a different antibiotic, Bactrim. All of my joints hurt in my body. It passed within 3-4 days. It was scary though!

22-07-14, 08:32
Thank you :) am in horrible pain in ankles this morning. Hope it passes!!!