View Full Version : Help please!

22-07-14, 11:51
I have a doctors appointment this afternoon

BUT I am agoraphobic. doctor still wont do a home visit.

Anxiety though is now so bad that I seem to be wetting and soiling myself as I cannot get to toilet in time

This is incredibly embarrassing and degrading.

It does not matter how much o little I dink/eat I need to go after half an hour

advice on ho to deal with this incontinence in order to leave the house for an appointment. worried about "messing" the taxi on the journey there and back ?

22-07-14, 12:27
Do some breathing exercises and try and be as calm as you can be before you leave.

Try and have something to distract yourself for the journey...as if you think you are gona need the toilet all the time then likeyhood is you are gona need it.

I know it isn't ideal, but maybe buy some incontinence pads for time being to wear so you don't mess your clothes...

Hope it gets sorted soon, maybe ask for a phone consultation with the doc in order to explain your issues to them in person

Good luck

23-07-14, 12:37
All doctors should have the facilities for a home visit if required (as far as I am aware), so don't accept no for an answer if you really feel like you can't make it there. Otherwise, call 111 and explain the situation to them - they will arrange for a doctor to call you back and then visit if necessary.

Hope you're ok and sorry to hear what you're having going through.

As Jacsta said, all you can really do is try to stay as calm as possible - which is obviously easier said than done. Do you have anyone that knows about your condition that can travel with you when you go out? It might help having someone there who understands and who you can chat to.