View Full Version : This humidity is driving me insane!!!

22-07-14, 13:02
I cant sleep at night, my house and car are like a furnace, why the hell cant we have proper weather here in the UK? It's either morbidly cold or uncomfortably warm!!!!!!! It's 24oc here but it feels more like 30+...

22-07-14, 13:16
I am really struggling with it too.

I have my hair up in a pony tail and you can wring the sweat of it at the end of the day.

I am having to cook hot dinners for my clients as well so that doesn't help!

The only cool place is in the car with the air-con on.

22-07-14, 14:24
Yep I am moving house in the heat it's really hot here 32 degress I am so red in the face going up and down the stairs with boxes furniture ect

22-07-14, 14:37
I'm glad for this long spell of lovely weather :) It's been a really decent summer this year. Sad I'm working full time in it but there we go, life.

22-07-14, 14:54
Can't stand this humidity, its driving me mad :wacko::mad: making me feel very irritable and also have a bit of hay fever due to pollen. Hurry up autumn and winter lol

22-07-14, 14:56
I am sorry to say that I cannot cope with the hot weather.
I cannot sit out in it. All the windows are open. Does not seem to make any difference, and I am ignoring any housework:lac:and cooking.

22-07-14, 18:46
I agree. The heat, I can deal with but the humidity is giving me constant headaches and making me feel really bad tempered. Not to mention that every day is a bad hair day!


22-07-14, 22:42
For me it's getting very wearing, it gets so hot in our office .... My best friend is my fan!
I have hot flushes too..... I am still managing to cycle though but am not riding tomorrow as I am feeling pretty worn out. Considering I struggle with the heat even when it's not that hot I think I have done well. If you'd told me I would have survived this far I wouldn't have believed you. I am pretty fed up with sweating all the time!! I really do sympathise with everyone as its pretty unpleasant.

Catherine S
22-07-14, 22:48
Same here, warm sunny days are ok but really hot humid days suck...literally. Showering after everything is getting me down but necessary to stay cool and not sticky. Spring and Autumn are definately better for this freckly ginger nut!


23-07-14, 10:47
forgot to mention, i have been bitten 10 times in the last week, fortunately although a couple of them swelled up, mostly they havent been tooooo troublesome.

23-07-14, 12:05
Forecast for where I live in Japan tomorrow: "31 degrees, real feel 42 degrees" (whatever that means - I think the humidity).

I adjust quickly. If the temperature falls below 27 degrees in my bedroom overnight, I start feeling chilly.

23-07-14, 13:30
hate this hot weather its to hot cant go out its a nightmare for me being stuck in my room cant have my windows open cos of anxiety cant wait for it to cool down hope it does soon cant stand it :sad:

23-07-14, 18:44
Hanshan.... That's IS warm!!!!!! It was 28.5 when I drove home from work tonight.

24-07-14, 04:16
Actually, it was 31.7 degrees in my bedroom last night, which is too hot even for me, so about 4.00 am, I dragged my futon downstairs to the small living/dining/kitchen area where there is an air conditioner. I did this last year, and it will be my sleeping area for the rest of summer.


Arrghh! Can't win! I slept beautifully in the cool from the air conditioner, only to wake up with a stuffy nose and stinging eyes, plus sinus pain round my eyes, all presumably due to the dry air from the air conditioner. Definitely time for a cup of tea.

27-07-14, 17:39
yikes..i live in hk and humidity is a killer but we hv air con everywhere. i am coming to uk in aug, worrying about the heat a bit, cos it mks me anxious lol

27-07-14, 19:16
I work in a hospital and only some departments and wards have air conditioning, so if we have to go somewhere air conditioned it feels like a treat! It was so bad last week that matron had to whack the air con up in our training room so we had somewhere to retreat to.

I've watched Grand Designs when it was recorded in winter and I actually want to feel as cold as they did!

27-07-14, 20:03
Pretty bad at my hospital too Rennie! One ward has air con and I was privilaged enough to be on it the other day. I've noticed my scrubs don't soak up sweat at all so I just stay wet underneath them.

Glad for this breeze today! Much cooler.

Catherine S
27-07-14, 20:40
Matron? There are Matrons in hospitals again? Cool! :D


27-07-14, 20:43
I much prefer my scrubs to what the rest of the staff wear! But yeah, they don't hide sweat very well!

27-07-14, 20:45
The correct term is mmmmmmmmmmmatron! :O ;)

Catherine S
27-07-14, 20:52
You are naughty..but I like you :D

27-07-14, 21:09
Hello everyone,I live in Canada near Niagara Falls snd I can't tell you what its been like.right now it is 37 celcius with the humidex.Just walking out the door makes you try to breath.rain please rain lol.we are supposed to be getting quite the nasty thunder storm here in a few hours as long as the power doesn't go off I am good.Try and stay cool in whatever way you can.xo Val

27-07-14, 22:32
The correct term is mmmmmmmmmmmatron! :O ;)

Haaa haaaaaaaa

28-07-14, 09:45
We have had a thunder storm here this morning for last 3 hours with hailstones like snowballs lo :ohmy: it's blown over now just with the odd rumble and the air is sooooooo much fresher. I can breath, it's lovely and the dogs have noticed it too. It's been way too hot for them but they have both perked up after a nice snooze in the breeze coming in the open windows :) x

28-07-14, 20:35
The correct term is mmmmmmmmmmmatron! :O ;)

You forgot the 'ow' bit :D